Artist Dadang Christanto discusses his portrait taken by Hari Ho and how it relates to Dadang's sculpture 'Heads from the North'.
- Australia and Indonesia are close to each other. And that's why they are called 'Head from the North' in my imagination about the relationship because north is Indonesian, or north is Asia Yeah, the head is very significant for me until now I still make a head because a head is representation about the number. The number in the genocide, a lot of my work inspiration with what happened in 1965 and '66 and then after, after that, too, that's the crucial time in Indonesia, we call genocide, Indonesia genocide. For me, like this work on the pond, this one is very personal, because I lost my father in that time. For me, the beach is significant in the '65, '66 is a graveyard, when the military killed the people they buried in the beach. In the beach, they have by rivers and some of the dead body they put on the river and then flow to the beach. When the tide on a lot of the dead body there. I met with the executioner and I interview him. He said yes, on the beach. We executed. Sometime when they came to the beach in the morning that day, they follow, they see they see the hand or something like that buried on the sand. I think that's very horrible story. You can imagine a million people Hari Ho came to Darwin where I was, lived there in Darwin and then my house is close in Casuarina beach in that time and then Hari Ho in the evening arrive and ask to me discuss and what you want your idea to make a photo. And then I said on the beach! We very enthusiastic Okay we let, let me take a photo in the morning early morning before sunrise just me and Hari Ho. We went to the beach, bring the shovel and the basket for the water and then we make like enough for my sitting and then put Hari Ho buried me with the sand. After that, some basket water to put in my body and then what's happened is just like a concrete that sand when the water and I couldn't breath stuck, really stuck like a concrete and , I can't breathe but because my chest I can't what's say like yeah and Hari Ho 'Hari Ho can you take a quickly because what's happened, I'm very scary and you know we just only us and then what's happened if the wave come?' anyone here and on the beach and Hari Ho but yes is why I like it that photo behind the story of what's happened, the process.
- He captured that expression, you look scared but also very tense and very focussed
- Yes, scared about death too if I scared also like my expression is like get angry what's happened in '65, '66.
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