Nigel Butterley AM (1935-2022) was one of the foremost Australian composers and pianists of his generation.
1 portrait in the collection
Purchased with funds provided by Tim Bednall 2021
Nigel Brennan studied photography at Griffith University and works primarily in photo-documentary.
1 portrait in the collection
Nigel Boonham is a British sculptor. He studied under John Ravera from 1973-1977 and later worked in the studio of sculptor Oscar Nemon.
1 portrait in the collection
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of Dr John Chambers 2003
Purchased 2008
Purchased 2022
Commissioned with funds provided by Nigel Satterley AM and Denise Satterley and The Calvert-Jones Foundation 2023
Gift of Nigel Satterley AM and Denise Satterley 2022
Alec Nigel Broers, Lord Broers FRS, HonFMedSci, FREng (b. 1938) was Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University from 1996 to 2003.
1 portrait in the collection
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of Nigel Naseby 2007
Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program
Commissioned with funds provided by Nigel Satterley AM and Denise Satterley 2020
Melbourne-born artist Jaq Grantford has been a finalist multiple times in portrait prizes such as the Black Swan Prize, the Shirley Hannan National Portrait Award, the Doug Moran National Portrait Prize and the Portia Geach Memorial Award.
1 portrait in the collection
Little Darlings is for primary and secondary students, with four separate categories across Kindergarten to Year 12. Responding to the theme ‘Me and my place’, students painted, drew, photographed, printed or combined all of these to make their portrait.