Magda Keaney examines the 123 Faces project by Simon Obarzanek.
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of the artist 2002
Gideon Obarzanek (b. 1966), choreographer, director and curator, spent his early life in Israel, attended school in Melbourne and won a place at the Australian Ballet School, choreographing his first piece there in 1987.
1 portrait in the collection
Purchased 2012
Simon Griffiths has been acclaimed in numerous publications as Australia's leading food and garden photographer.
1 portrait in the collection
Simon McKeon (b. 1955), corporate chair, investment banker and philanthropic entrepreneur, gained degrees in commerce and law in Melbourne before beginning a very successful career in banking and finance.
1 portrait in the collection
Simon Tedeschi (b. 1981), award-winning classical pianist, grew up in Sydney, and essentially abandoned his school lessons as an adolescent to concentrate on his piano studies with Neta Maughan.
1 portrait in the collection
Former NPG Deputy Director, Simon Elliott talks with Ern McQuillan about his life and career as a sports photographer.
The story behind the acquisition of the portrait of Danish architect Jørn Utzon.
It is not well known that the person who composed the famous theme music for the BBC's Doctor Who series was Australian Ron Grainer.
Gift of Tim Olsen 2010. Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program.
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased 2012