Over the past 18 years Quentin Jones has worked on most Fairfax mastheads, including The Good Weekend and The Sydney Magazine.
2 portraits in the collection
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased 2008
A series of excepts from Tim Winton's novel 'The Land's Edge'.
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased 2005
Dr Sarah Engledow discusses Quentin Jones's photograph of Australian author Tim Winton.
Quentin Bryce AD CVO (b. 1942), academic, lawyer and community and human rights advocate, was the first woman to be appointed governor-general of Australia.
2 portraits in the collection
Recorded 2017
Commissioned with funds provided by Tim Fairfax AC 2016
Purchased 2011
Susi Muddiman delights in Michael Zavros’ stunning portrait of the honourable Dame Quentin Bryce AD CVO.
Australia's 25th Governor-General, Quentin Bryce, discusses her childhood, career paths and her portrait by Michael Zavros.
Leisel Jones OAM (b. 1985) is the first Australian swimmer to have competed at four Olympic Games and is one of world swimming's greatest ever breaststroke competitors.
2 portraits in the collection