Purchased 2013
Joseph Croft (c. 1926–1996), Aboriginal activist, was a Gurindji/Mudpurra man from the Northern Territory and member of the Stolen Generations.
1 portrait in the collection
Purchased 2023
Purchased 2018
Artist, curator, lecturer and writer, Brenda L. Croft (born 1964) is from the Gurindji/Malngin/Mudburra peoples from the Victoria River region in the Northern Territory, and also has Anglo-Australian/German/Irish/Chinese/Scottish heritage.
5 portraits in the collection
Brenda L Croft (Gurindji/Malngin/Mudburra peoples) talks with Ngambri/Ngunnawal/Wiradjuri elder, Dr Matilda House, about her photographic portrait.
Purchased 2002
I have known Dr Aunty Matilda House, Ngambri Elder, Traditional Custodian and Cultural Knowledge Holder, since I was a child.
Purchased 2023
Purchased with funds provided by The Calvert-Jones Foundation 2020