George Coppin (1819-1906), comedian, entrepreneur and politician, cut his teeth in the world of the English itinerant theatre.
2 portraits in the collection
Purchased with funds provided by Mary Isabel Murphy 2004
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased 2010
George Selth Coppin (1819-1906) comedian, impresario and entrepreneur, was a driving force of the early Australian theatre.
Purchased 2009
Purchased 2015
Gift of the National Australia Bank 2002
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of the artist 2008
An examination of the life and times of George Lambert through the gesture and pose in his self portrait.
Sir George Coles CBE (1885–1977) was the founder of the retail concern GJ Coles and Coy.
1 portrait in the collection
George Moore (1923-2008), champion jockey, was born in Mackay, Qld and was apprenticed in Brisbane in 1938.
1 portrait in the collection
George Nicholas CBE (1884-1960), pharmacist and philanthropist, grew up in South Australia and Victoria.
1 portrait in the collection
George Dance the Younger, architect, was a founder member of the Royal Academy in 1768.
4 portraits in the collection
George Hamilton Barrable was a painter of portraits and landscapes, active in London in the 1870s and 1880s, who exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy..
1 portrait in the collection
George Coates, Melbourne-born artist, started his art career in a stained glass workshop, attending classes with Frederick McCubbin at the National Gallery school at night.
1 portrait in the collection