This is part of a project that I've been working on for six or so years now. It's kind of funny not having a grasp on time when you're working with photography, which is time-based in a way – you've got shutter speeds and things like that. When the project initially started off, I was photographing friends, and friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends of friends of friends, and over time it's turned into a document of people who are in and around the creative spaces of Melbourne. It's about community and maintaining a space people can come into and feel like they are in control of the process of representation, and have a part within the process. I see my practice as a collaborative process, about openness and dialogue and working together.
I see everyone as being (I don't know if this sounds really corny) really special, amazing people, and it is such a privilege to have the opportunity to work closely and develop that relationship of trust and openness, and giving people the time and showing them the respect. I've been shooting this for years now, and I can't think of a bad session that I've had. They've all been really nice and I feel like you can relate to anyone on some kind of level. I often get asked, is there anyone famous that you really want to shoot? And I'm like, well, yes. I've shot people who are incredibly well respected within their fields, but I'm always excited the most by the current or (if I'm not currently working in my studio) the next person who I'm going to work with regardless of the level of fame or recognition that they've had publicly. Yes, people are pretty special.