WEBVTT 00:00:04.080 --> 00:00:06.159 so we're going to be looking at some 00:00:06.159 --> 00:00:10.000 themes like what does love mean to you 00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:13.040 and where do we find love 00:00:13.040 --> 00:00:15.200 and what does love look like 00:00:15.200 --> 00:00:16.720 so 00:00:16.720 --> 00:00:18.480 to get things underway 00:00:18.480 --> 00:00:20.239 i'm going to pass over 00:00:20.239 --> 00:00:22.239 to our friend carolyn 00:00:22.239 --> 00:00:27.680 who's going to read us a story of love 00:00:27.680 --> 00:00:30.879 hi carolyn hi rob nice to see you on the 00:00:30.879 --> 00:00:33.440 zooms on the squares again 00:00:33.440 --> 00:00:35.440 and my friends i'm actually just having 00:00:35.440 --> 00:00:37.599 a look at my computer over here because 00:00:37.599 --> 00:00:40.799 i can see some beautiful paint um faces 00:00:40.799 --> 00:00:43.519 popping up on our screen so i can see 00:00:43.519 --> 00:00:46.879 our old friend nida's with us i can see 00:00:46.879 --> 00:00:47.760 rob 00:00:47.760 --> 00:00:51.040 elva shelva there's so many beautiful 00:00:51.040 --> 00:00:53.040 faces so it's so lovely to have you with 00:00:53.040 --> 00:00:55.200 us joining us today 00:00:55.200 --> 00:00:58.640 now you might see uh on my screen that i 00:00:58.640 --> 00:00:59.840 have uh 00:00:59.840 --> 00:01:02.319 some things that i found around my house 00:01:02.319 --> 00:01:04.959 and so i'd like to show you 00:01:04.959 --> 00:01:06.879 because i was thinking about the word 00:01:06.879 --> 00:01:08.159 love 00:01:08.159 --> 00:01:09.599 and 00:01:09.599 --> 00:01:11.519 when i looked around my house because 00:01:11.519 --> 00:01:13.439 i've been spending some time in my house 00:01:13.439 --> 00:01:14.799 at the moment 00:01:14.799 --> 00:01:17.439 i've been collecting things that i like 00:01:17.439 --> 00:01:18.400 and 00:01:18.400 --> 00:01:20.400 some things that i love so i just wanted 00:01:20.400 --> 00:01:22.079 to show you quickly some things that i 00:01:22.079 --> 00:01:24.880 like and some things that i love so 00:01:24.880 --> 00:01:26.880 first thing is that i don't know if you 00:01:26.880 --> 00:01:28.079 can see it 00:01:28.079 --> 00:01:30.560 but uh right behind me 00:01:30.560 --> 00:01:33.280 there's this one here 00:01:33.280 --> 00:01:36.240 can anyone everyone see what that one is 00:01:36.240 --> 00:01:38.800 it's a beautiful big sun 00:01:38.800 --> 00:01:40.320 and there's something else that we have 00:01:40.320 --> 00:01:41.280 over 00:01:41.280 --> 00:01:43.360 well this one here 00:01:43.360 --> 00:01:45.759 this is my maybe you have one of these 00:01:45.759 --> 00:01:48.320 in your garden this is an aloe vera 00:01:48.320 --> 00:01:49.280 plant 00:01:49.280 --> 00:01:51.360 and i love this plant because this plant 00:01:51.360 --> 00:01:53.759 grows and grows and it doesn't matter 00:01:53.759 --> 00:01:55.840 how much or little i know about this 00:01:55.840 --> 00:01:59.680 plant it just really likes to be alive 00:01:59.680 --> 00:02:00.479 and 00:02:00.479 --> 00:02:02.160 the last thing that i found that i 00:02:02.160 --> 00:02:04.320 wanted to show you that i love in my 00:02:04.320 --> 00:02:05.759 house well 00:02:05.759 --> 00:02:08.720 i live by myself and i thought 00:02:08.720 --> 00:02:10.960 i'm gonna be alone 00:02:10.960 --> 00:02:14.160 but then 00:02:14.160 --> 00:02:16.639 i found this guy 00:02:16.639 --> 00:02:18.240 now 00:02:18.240 --> 00:02:21.600 do you know what kind of animal this is 00:02:21.600 --> 00:02:23.919 now some of my friends 00:02:23.919 --> 00:02:25.520 think that this 00:02:25.520 --> 00:02:27.759 is a rat hands up if you think that this 00:02:27.759 --> 00:02:29.520 is a rat 00:02:29.520 --> 00:02:31.520 look like a rat well it's got 00:02:31.520 --> 00:02:32.960 big ears 00:02:32.960 --> 00:02:34.160 and it's got a 00:02:34.160 --> 00:02:36.560 long tail 00:02:36.560 --> 00:02:38.479 but then someone else i spoke to thought 00:02:38.479 --> 00:02:40.400 that this was a possum 00:02:40.400 --> 00:02:42.080 who thinks this is a possum do you think 00:02:42.080 --> 00:02:43.680 this might be a blossom 00:02:43.680 --> 00:02:46.000 yeah you think it might be a possum 00:02:46.000 --> 00:02:47.520 and then i thought well what if it was 00:02:47.520 --> 00:02:50.160 like if it was both would it be a 00:02:50.160 --> 00:02:52.240 what are you a russell 00:02:52.240 --> 00:02:54.479 or would you be a 00:02:54.479 --> 00:02:56.720 a pot 00:02:56.720 --> 00:02:58.400 so i was thinking about all the things 00:02:58.400 --> 00:03:01.280 that i love and i love being here with 00:03:01.280 --> 00:03:03.680 rasam 00:03:03.680 --> 00:03:05.919 and i thought maybe together 00:03:05.919 --> 00:03:08.080 we could explore a little bit about 00:03:08.080 --> 00:03:10.880 things that we love 00:03:10.880 --> 00:03:12.400 so we're going to read this book today 00:03:12.400 --> 00:03:14.880 called a story of love 00:03:14.880 --> 00:03:16.800 i wonder what that's about 00:03:16.800 --> 00:03:18.080 so 00:03:18.080 --> 00:03:21.460 let's open the first page hey 00:03:21.460 --> 00:03:23.919 [Music] 00:03:23.919 --> 00:03:24.800 now 00:03:24.800 --> 00:03:27.360 this story 00:03:27.360 --> 00:03:29.440 is all about an exhibition that we had 00:03:29.440 --> 00:03:31.199 right here at the gallery so if you 00:03:31.199 --> 00:03:33.199 imagine for a moment that you've walked 00:03:33.199 --> 00:03:35.199 through the front doors 00:03:35.199 --> 00:03:37.680 big high ceilings and you're with your 00:03:37.680 --> 00:03:39.520 favorite people in the world 00:03:39.520 --> 00:03:41.280 and you get to walk around an exhibition 00:03:41.280 --> 00:03:42.639 about love 00:03:42.639 --> 00:03:43.840 affection 00:03:43.840 --> 00:03:46.160 and connection 00:03:46.160 --> 00:03:48.720 big words hey and the many ways we 00:03:48.720 --> 00:03:52.160 experience them throughout our lives 00:03:52.160 --> 00:03:53.600 there were over if you can imagine 00:03:53.600 --> 00:03:55.360 walking into this room and there's over 00:03:55.360 --> 00:03:58.160 200 artworks to see and we're going to 00:03:58.160 --> 00:04:01.520 see just a few of them today 00:04:01.520 --> 00:04:04.240 so follow the story 00:04:04.240 --> 00:04:06.000 think 00:04:06.000 --> 00:04:07.440 talk about 00:04:07.440 --> 00:04:08.639 and share 00:04:08.639 --> 00:04:10.639 what love means to you 00:04:10.639 --> 00:04:12.639 so if you can make sure you've got your 00:04:12.639 --> 00:04:14.080 loved ones nearby just have a look 00:04:14.080 --> 00:04:15.360 around make sure you've got them with 00:04:15.360 --> 00:04:16.080 you 00:04:16.080 --> 00:04:17.039 or 00:04:17.039 --> 00:04:18.880 maybe something that you love maybe 00:04:18.880 --> 00:04:20.880 you've got your favorite t-shirt on or 00:04:20.880 --> 00:04:22.880 you're in your favorite spot 00:04:22.880 --> 00:04:24.639 or maybe you've got your pussycat with 00:04:24.639 --> 00:04:26.240 you oh some of you are showing me this 00:04:26.240 --> 00:04:28.800 is beautiful oh i can see winnie the 00:04:28.800 --> 00:04:29.759 pooh 00:04:29.759 --> 00:04:31.759 or maybe you're eating your favorite 00:04:31.759 --> 00:04:33.440 type of 00:04:33.440 --> 00:04:35.360 biscuit 00:04:35.360 --> 00:04:40.720 let's dive in all right first page 00:04:40.720 --> 00:04:41.599 mum 00:04:41.599 --> 00:04:43.360 said the child 00:04:43.360 --> 00:04:46.479 what does love mean 00:04:46.479 --> 00:04:48.720 said mum well 00:04:48.720 --> 00:04:52.080 that's quite a big question 00:04:52.080 --> 00:04:54.560 yes said the child 00:04:54.560 --> 00:04:56.560 and waited 00:04:56.560 --> 00:05:01.680 because the question like love was big 00:05:01.680 --> 00:05:04.160 and mum needed a moment to think about 00:05:04.160 --> 00:05:08.240 just how big it was 00:05:08.240 --> 00:05:12.400 now this artwork that's on the same page 00:05:12.400 --> 00:05:15.520 can you see here wait a minute 00:05:15.520 --> 00:05:17.599 how many figures you can can you see i 00:05:17.599 --> 00:05:20.000 can see one 00:05:20.000 --> 00:05:21.919 two 00:05:21.919 --> 00:05:24.560 three people 00:05:24.560 --> 00:05:27.360 now i think maybe just maybe 00:05:27.360 --> 00:05:29.680 this might be the artist's favorite 00:05:29.680 --> 00:05:30.639 people 00:05:30.639 --> 00:05:32.400 and they have the best names in the 00:05:32.400 --> 00:05:36.000 world the artist name's dell 00:05:36.000 --> 00:05:38.719 and then there's her son kell 00:05:38.719 --> 00:05:41.599 and then there's her daughter aurella 00:05:41.599 --> 00:05:45.200 del kell and arella all together as one 00:05:45.200 --> 00:05:48.080 big family 00:05:48.080 --> 00:05:51.200 now let's see 00:05:51.200 --> 00:05:52.399 hmm 00:05:52.399 --> 00:05:54.880 okay 00:05:54.880 --> 00:05:57.440 love happens when people look at each 00:05:57.440 --> 00:05:58.560 other 00:05:58.560 --> 00:06:00.000 can you see the people you love around 00:06:00.000 --> 00:06:03.440 you hey rasam i love you 00:06:03.440 --> 00:06:05.600 and that makes me think 00:06:05.600 --> 00:06:08.560 do you have a photo of someone at home 00:06:08.560 --> 00:06:10.800 that helps you to remember 00:06:10.800 --> 00:06:12.800 do you have a photo because sometimes we 00:06:12.800 --> 00:06:15.360 don't print them out anymore do we 00:06:15.360 --> 00:06:17.519 sometimes we keep them on our phones or 00:06:17.519 --> 00:06:20.480 our tablets or our computers 00:06:20.480 --> 00:06:24.480 but it's less that we have them 00:06:24.480 --> 00:06:26.640 with us so can you see here we've got 00:06:26.640 --> 00:06:28.240 can you count with me my friends how 00:06:28.240 --> 00:06:31.360 many photos or pictures 00:06:31.360 --> 00:06:33.600 can you see already let's count them 00:06:33.600 --> 00:06:35.839 together we've got one 00:06:35.839 --> 00:06:37.920 two oh they're a little faint aren't 00:06:37.920 --> 00:06:39.839 they three 00:06:39.839 --> 00:06:42.880 four and i think this this lady has long 00:06:42.880 --> 00:06:44.399 beautiful hair 00:06:44.399 --> 00:06:45.920 five 00:06:45.920 --> 00:06:48.000 six 00:06:48.000 --> 00:06:49.440 seven 00:06:49.440 --> 00:06:52.320 seven family portraits and can you see 00:06:52.320 --> 00:06:54.480 how they're all connected so that you 00:06:54.480 --> 00:06:56.800 can fold them out one by one to see 00:06:56.800 --> 00:06:59.200 everyone all together 00:06:59.200 --> 00:07:01.200 and it's that color isn't it can you see 00:07:01.200 --> 00:07:06.480 that color that beautiful deep red 00:07:06.480 --> 00:07:09.120 let's have a look 00:07:09.120 --> 00:07:12.000 oh so it's when people look at each 00:07:12.000 --> 00:07:13.839 other but 00:07:13.839 --> 00:07:15.120 also 00:07:15.120 --> 00:07:17.839 when they stand really close 00:07:17.839 --> 00:07:21.519 and don't 00:07:21.519 --> 00:07:23.440 i think you find it where people stand 00:07:23.440 --> 00:07:24.480 together 00:07:24.480 --> 00:07:26.399 reflected the child 00:07:26.399 --> 00:07:28.079 or sit 00:07:28.079 --> 00:07:30.240 i think you can sit down too 00:07:30.240 --> 00:07:31.519 hands up if you're sitting down with 00:07:31.519 --> 00:07:33.360 your loved ones i'm sitting down with 00:07:33.360 --> 00:07:35.600 rasm 00:07:35.600 --> 00:07:37.760 it's good that you can sit down said mum 00:07:37.760 --> 00:07:39.760 i see some hands there beautiful 00:07:39.760 --> 00:07:41.440 sometimes we like to stand up though and 00:07:41.440 --> 00:07:43.920 dance around as well 00:07:43.920 --> 00:07:46.800 yes said the child or you might spill 00:07:46.800 --> 00:07:48.000 your tea 00:07:48.000 --> 00:07:51.360 i do like a cup of tea 00:07:51.360 --> 00:07:55.600 now in this picture on the other side 00:07:55.600 --> 00:07:59.040 now i think we are looking at a big 00:07:59.040 --> 00:08:01.040 beautiful family 00:08:01.040 --> 00:08:03.440 but there's something very strange about 00:08:03.440 --> 00:08:04.880 this picture 00:08:04.880 --> 00:08:07.040 can you notice what's very strange about 00:08:07.040 --> 00:08:08.640 this picture that might be a little bit 00:08:08.640 --> 00:08:10.320 different to the ones you have in your 00:08:10.320 --> 00:08:11.760 home 00:08:11.760 --> 00:08:14.640 now i can see the outlines of windows 00:08:14.640 --> 00:08:16.240 and i can see i think they look like 00:08:16.240 --> 00:08:19.200 tiles on the floor but 00:08:19.200 --> 00:08:20.399 can you see that the 00:08:20.399 --> 00:08:22.480 figures in this they're they're what we 00:08:22.480 --> 00:08:25.440 call a silhouette they're all black and 00:08:25.440 --> 00:08:27.839 you can just see the outlines now 00:08:27.839 --> 00:08:31.040 i'm just gonna quickly ask you so 00:08:31.040 --> 00:08:34.720 i spy with my little eye 00:08:34.720 --> 00:08:36.160 someone 00:08:36.160 --> 00:08:38.880 who might be 00:08:38.880 --> 00:08:40.399 a grandma 00:08:40.399 --> 00:08:42.320 can you find maybe who in this picture 00:08:42.320 --> 00:08:45.519 might be a grandma 00:08:45.519 --> 00:08:46.880 now 00:08:46.880 --> 00:08:48.560 give you a hint 00:08:48.560 --> 00:08:50.720 oh can you yeah i can see some hands up 00:08:50.720 --> 00:08:52.959 that's beautiful now give you a hint so 00:08:52.959 --> 00:08:55.600 she's sitting down 00:08:55.600 --> 00:08:56.720 and she's 00:08:56.720 --> 00:08:58.880 on a type of chair which sometimes we 00:08:58.880 --> 00:09:01.120 think about with grandmas or grandpas or 00:09:01.120 --> 00:09:03.760 nanas or pops or older people who we 00:09:03.760 --> 00:09:05.279 love and look after 00:09:05.279 --> 00:09:07.040 can you see the rocking chair over on 00:09:07.040 --> 00:09:08.959 the left hand side 00:09:08.959 --> 00:09:11.120 have you ever been on a rocking chair 00:09:11.120 --> 00:09:15.680 they're fun aren't they 00:09:15.680 --> 00:09:18.079 and just a question maybe for you to 00:09:18.079 --> 00:09:19.600 think about with the loved ones you have 00:09:19.600 --> 00:09:21.279 with you 00:09:21.279 --> 00:09:23.040 how do we know 00:09:23.040 --> 00:09:25.920 that they're related 00:09:25.920 --> 00:09:30.160 how can we tell that this is a family 00:09:30.160 --> 00:09:32.639 now i know with my family quite often we 00:09:32.639 --> 00:09:34.800 don't have to say anything at all 00:09:34.800 --> 00:09:36.320 they're just the people that i feel 00:09:36.320 --> 00:09:37.920 comfortable with 00:09:37.920 --> 00:09:39.839 and we know as well that 00:09:39.839 --> 00:09:42.000 we gather with family when we can and so 00:09:42.000 --> 00:09:44.160 for me this looks like a big family 00:09:44.160 --> 00:09:52.300 gathering together when we can 00:09:52.300 --> 00:09:55.040 [Music] 00:09:55.040 --> 00:09:59.279 love lives outdoors 00:09:59.279 --> 00:10:01.200 with the birds 00:10:01.200 --> 00:10:03.040 said the child 00:10:03.040 --> 00:10:06.590 who knew that this is why the birds sing 00:10:06.590 --> 00:10:08.000 [Music] 00:10:08.000 --> 00:10:11.040 especially in the mornings 00:10:11.040 --> 00:10:13.440 who has birds outside their house do you 00:10:13.440 --> 00:10:15.200 hear birds in the mornings put your hand 00:10:15.200 --> 00:10:17.920 up if you get the birds in the mornings 00:10:17.920 --> 00:10:20.399 now i have birds in the mornings here 00:10:20.399 --> 00:10:22.720 but my birds and they make this noise 00:10:22.720 --> 00:10:24.160 i'm going to make this noise and see if 00:10:24.160 --> 00:10:25.680 you can tell what kind of bird this 00:10:25.680 --> 00:10:30.399 might be okay it goes 00:10:30.399 --> 00:10:34.000 can you ever know the name of that bird 00:10:34.000 --> 00:10:36.720 it's a terrible noise and at my house 00:10:36.720 --> 00:10:39.200 there's not one flock of them 00:10:39.200 --> 00:10:40.880 there's two 00:10:40.880 --> 00:10:43.760 and every morning they say hello to each 00:10:43.760 --> 00:10:46.560 other outside my window 00:10:46.560 --> 00:10:48.480 do you know what that one might be 00:10:48.480 --> 00:10:50.560 that's a cockatoo 00:10:50.560 --> 00:10:52.399 and there's lots of them outside my 00:10:52.399 --> 00:10:54.639 house 00:10:54.639 --> 00:10:59.440 now if you look at this picture 00:10:59.440 --> 00:11:01.440 now i'm going to get you to guess and 00:11:01.440 --> 00:11:03.199 you can guess if you want in the chat if 00:11:03.199 --> 00:11:05.199 you have a big person with you or if you 00:11:05.199 --> 00:11:07.279 want to guess yourself 00:11:07.279 --> 00:11:10.880 what type of day do you think this is 00:11:10.880 --> 00:11:17.519 what time of day 00:11:17.519 --> 00:11:20.639 now i'll give you a hint 00:11:20.639 --> 00:11:23.600 there's something in the sky 00:11:23.600 --> 00:11:25.680 in the top left 00:11:25.680 --> 00:11:27.600 that's making me think it might be a 00:11:27.600 --> 00:11:31.680 very special time of day 00:11:31.680 --> 00:11:34.000 and i'll give you another hint 00:11:34.000 --> 00:11:36.160 it's also the time of day when i like to 00:11:36.160 --> 00:11:38.800 have a cup of tea 00:11:38.800 --> 00:11:42.320 to wake me up 00:11:42.320 --> 00:11:44.399 well we've got one guest i can see which 00:11:44.399 --> 00:11:46.160 is someone saying the evening which is 00:11:46.160 --> 00:11:48.959 very similar when the sun goes up or the 00:11:48.959 --> 00:11:51.440 sun goes down but this is actually yes 00:11:51.440 --> 00:11:53.839 aaron beautiful and in this is in the 00:11:53.839 --> 00:11:55.360 morning 00:11:55.360 --> 00:11:56.880 and there's another clue that it might 00:11:56.880 --> 00:11:58.320 be the morning if 00:11:58.320 --> 00:11:59.920 look at what these two people are 00:11:59.920 --> 00:12:01.440 wearing 00:12:01.440 --> 00:12:03.040 they're rubbed up 00:12:03.040 --> 00:12:05.440 nice and warm it feels like it's very 00:12:05.440 --> 00:12:06.800 cold 00:12:06.800 --> 00:12:08.160 and they're rubbed ducked in very 00:12:08.160 --> 00:12:09.839 special furs 00:12:09.839 --> 00:12:11.600 because they're in a very special place 00:12:11.600 --> 00:12:15.120 that means something a lot to them 00:12:15.120 --> 00:12:18.000 and i'm guessing that maybe just maybe 00:12:18.000 --> 00:12:20.160 these two might be in love 00:12:20.160 --> 00:12:21.519 and i'm guessing because they're 00:12:21.519 --> 00:12:25.120 standing very close to each other 00:12:25.120 --> 00:12:27.600 so my friends where do you think love 00:12:27.600 --> 00:12:30.079 lives 00:12:30.079 --> 00:12:33.279 does lovely 00:12:33.279 --> 00:12:35.120 does it live outside 00:12:35.120 --> 00:12:36.000 hmm 00:12:36.000 --> 00:12:39.040 does anyone think it lives outside 00:12:39.040 --> 00:12:41.440 i know i love walking around 00:12:41.440 --> 00:12:43.759 i'm near mount ainsley and i love 00:12:43.759 --> 00:12:46.800 walking around the bush there 00:12:46.800 --> 00:12:49.839 but maybe love lives hmm 00:12:49.839 --> 00:12:50.800 oh 00:12:50.800 --> 00:12:53.199 maybe it lives underwater does anyone 00:12:53.199 --> 00:12:55.360 love swimming do you love swimming i 00:12:55.360 --> 00:12:57.600 love swimming 00:12:57.600 --> 00:12:59.759 oh 00:12:59.759 --> 00:13:02.560 if love was hiding 00:13:02.560 --> 00:13:05.279 where might love be hiding 00:13:05.279 --> 00:13:08.079 sometimes it might be if you're building 00:13:08.079 --> 00:13:11.199 a fort some of you build a fort at home 00:13:11.199 --> 00:13:12.880 or it might be when you're with your 00:13:12.880 --> 00:13:14.639 brother or your sister or your best 00:13:14.639 --> 00:13:17.199 friend and you play 00:13:17.199 --> 00:13:19.920 hide and seek 00:13:19.920 --> 00:13:21.839 or sometimes it's just when you're 00:13:21.839 --> 00:13:23.839 sitting very quietly 00:13:23.839 --> 00:13:25.759 and listening to all the noises in the 00:13:25.759 --> 00:13:27.360 house 00:13:27.360 --> 00:13:29.600 and just listening to the voices of the 00:13:29.600 --> 00:13:34.959 people you love who are with you 00:13:34.959 --> 00:13:38.959 the next one 00:13:38.959 --> 00:13:41.279 this is interesting 00:13:41.279 --> 00:13:44.000 and you can wear it 00:13:44.000 --> 00:13:45.759 smile the child 00:13:45.759 --> 00:13:47.600 wear love 00:13:47.600 --> 00:13:50.560 like a hat said mum 00:13:50.560 --> 00:13:51.839 sometimes 00:13:51.839 --> 00:13:53.440 explain a child 00:13:53.440 --> 00:13:57.279 it's what you wear to parties oh 00:13:57.279 --> 00:13:59.759 like nana's birthday 00:13:59.759 --> 00:14:01.440 exactly 00:14:01.440 --> 00:14:04.320 said the child 00:14:04.320 --> 00:14:06.720 now i've just seen on the chat over here 00:14:06.720 --> 00:14:08.399 some guesses that have just popped up 00:14:08.399 --> 00:14:10.480 for me where love might hide and i love 00:14:10.480 --> 00:14:12.079 these ideas i'm just going to read them 00:14:12.079 --> 00:14:14.000 out love might be 00:14:14.000 --> 00:14:16.160 in your belly 00:14:16.160 --> 00:14:17.839 after some chocolate 00:14:17.839 --> 00:14:21.039 yes that is a lovely idea 00:14:21.039 --> 00:14:22.079 now 00:14:22.079 --> 00:14:25.280 schaefer has said that maybe love hides 00:14:25.280 --> 00:14:30.319 in your heart that's a beautiful idea 00:14:30.319 --> 00:14:31.919 do you have something that you love to 00:14:31.919 --> 00:14:33.039 wear 00:14:33.039 --> 00:14:34.720 i wore something today that i love to 00:14:34.720 --> 00:14:36.720 wear for you and this is my 00:14:36.720 --> 00:14:38.799 beautiful dangly earrings because i love 00:14:38.799 --> 00:14:42.080 all the colors 00:14:42.080 --> 00:14:45.440 zen things that love might be in the cat 00:14:45.440 --> 00:14:47.840 it's a beautiful idea then that's a nice 00:14:47.840 --> 00:14:49.679 place for love to live 00:14:49.679 --> 00:14:50.880 can you think of something that you 00:14:50.880 --> 00:14:52.720 might wear to a party to show someone 00:14:52.720 --> 00:14:54.320 that you love them 00:14:54.320 --> 00:14:56.640 or you might wear for a very special 00:14:56.640 --> 00:14:59.360 dinner maybe it's your birthday and you 00:14:59.360 --> 00:15:00.720 might have a 00:15:00.720 --> 00:15:03.280 hat that you wear your favorite hat 00:15:03.280 --> 00:15:06.400 or you might wear 00:15:06.400 --> 00:15:08.559 maybe a piece of jewelry or your 00:15:08.559 --> 00:15:12.640 favorite jumper or your favorite shirt 00:15:12.640 --> 00:15:14.400 now we have two people here who are 00:15:14.400 --> 00:15:17.360 wearing something very special oh erin 00:15:17.360 --> 00:15:19.600 erin and ian they have a favorite skirt 00:15:19.600 --> 00:15:21.679 that they wear 00:15:21.679 --> 00:15:22.799 there's 00:15:22.799 --> 00:15:25.200 two people here 00:15:25.200 --> 00:15:27.600 that are wearing something to show just 00:15:27.600 --> 00:15:30.080 how much they love each other 00:15:30.080 --> 00:15:32.480 now these two beautiful people and this 00:15:32.480 --> 00:15:34.480 is lottie and john so if you want 00:15:34.480 --> 00:15:36.080 because it is nice to meet people at the 00:15:36.080 --> 00:15:40.000 moment you can say hi lordy hi john 00:15:40.000 --> 00:15:42.080 one of them is wearing oh 00:15:42.080 --> 00:15:44.480 a suit now this is a very special type 00:15:44.480 --> 00:15:48.559 of suit this is called a tuxedo 00:15:48.559 --> 00:15:51.360 and can you see there as well around the 00:15:51.360 --> 00:15:52.640 neck 00:15:52.640 --> 00:15:54.080 got on up 00:15:54.080 --> 00:15:57.120 a bow tie black bow tie 00:15:57.120 --> 00:15:59.200 hi lodi hi john 00:15:59.200 --> 00:16:01.840 alessandri a brace little necklace or a 00:16:01.840 --> 00:16:04.320 ring that you wear beautiful and i also 00:16:04.320 --> 00:16:08.320 have here a smile that's gorgeous 00:16:08.320 --> 00:16:10.640 now and then the other person here 00:16:10.640 --> 00:16:12.240 this is lottie 00:16:12.240 --> 00:16:14.640 lottie is wearing something very special 00:16:14.640 --> 00:16:17.919 aren't they and it's all white almost 00:16:17.919 --> 00:16:20.640 the opposite of the black tuxedo and 00:16:20.640 --> 00:16:24.640 it's a beautiful dress 00:16:24.640 --> 00:16:26.240 shaver thinks they're getting married i 00:16:26.240 --> 00:16:28.640 think that's a wonderful shaver 00:16:28.640 --> 00:16:31.280 and also there's a what's on what's 00:16:31.280 --> 00:16:37.120 unlocky's head what's that 00:16:37.120 --> 00:16:39.440 now that's a big beautiful veil which is 00:16:39.440 --> 00:16:40.720 interesting when you're thinking about 00:16:40.720 --> 00:16:42.559 hiding because sometimes you put the 00:16:42.559 --> 00:16:44.720 veil over your face so love could be 00:16:44.720 --> 00:16:47.440 hiding underneath the veil 00:16:47.440 --> 00:16:50.799 good guess broadcast alas andre 00:16:50.799 --> 00:16:52.480 and also in lottie's hands there's 00:16:52.480 --> 00:16:54.400 something very special can you see what 00:16:54.400 --> 00:16:55.840 that is 00:16:55.840 --> 00:16:57.840 this is a symbol that we use for love 00:16:57.840 --> 00:17:00.160 and maybe just maybe you've seen one and 00:17:00.160 --> 00:17:02.080 maybe just maybe 00:17:02.080 --> 00:17:04.000 if you're lucky or unlucky depending on 00:17:04.000 --> 00:17:08.240 your nature you may have even caught one 00:17:08.240 --> 00:17:10.320 and if you catch one oh chrissy's got it 00:17:10.320 --> 00:17:12.880 this is a bouquet and if you catch one 00:17:12.880 --> 00:17:14.240 it's meant to mean that you're the next 00:17:14.240 --> 00:17:16.000 one to get married 00:17:16.000 --> 00:17:20.960 so big business 00:17:20.960 --> 00:17:23.760 so just have a think 00:17:23.760 --> 00:17:26.880 what might you wear to say you love 00:17:26.880 --> 00:17:28.640 someone 00:17:28.640 --> 00:17:31.440 have you got something on now 00:17:31.440 --> 00:17:34.720 beautiful work there oh juniper thinks 00:17:34.720 --> 00:17:36.799 they're happy i think so too i think 00:17:36.799 --> 00:17:38.840 they're very 00:17:38.840 --> 00:17:41.760 happy have another look gosh there's a 00:17:41.760 --> 00:17:45.840 lot in this love business isn't there 00:17:45.840 --> 00:17:47.360 hmm 00:17:47.360 --> 00:17:49.440 said mum 00:17:49.440 --> 00:17:51.919 i think love 00:17:51.919 --> 00:17:54.640 might be a color 00:17:54.640 --> 00:17:56.400 maybe red 00:17:56.400 --> 00:17:59.760 who thinks love might be red 00:17:59.760 --> 00:18:01.600 oh okay 00:18:01.600 --> 00:18:02.960 or blue 00:18:02.960 --> 00:18:05.679 said the child oh i like that idea yes 00:18:05.679 --> 00:18:09.679 of course said mum blue of course 00:18:09.679 --> 00:18:12.240 what color makes you think about love 00:18:12.240 --> 00:18:13.760 do you love blue 00:18:13.760 --> 00:18:15.600 who loves blue 00:18:15.600 --> 00:18:17.600 oh i see some hands up do you love blue 00:18:17.600 --> 00:18:18.559 i bet 00:18:18.559 --> 00:18:20.720 now who thinks that love might be red 00:18:20.720 --> 00:18:23.039 who thinks love is the color red 00:18:23.039 --> 00:18:25.600 okay some traditionalist cool 00:18:25.600 --> 00:18:28.400 who thinks love might be 00:18:28.400 --> 00:18:30.480 rainbow colored 00:18:30.480 --> 00:18:32.080 who thinks it might be sort of more of a 00:18:32.080 --> 00:18:33.760 unicorn 00:18:33.760 --> 00:18:35.919 yeah i think maybe a unicorn for me 00:18:35.919 --> 00:18:38.320 maybe like these 00:18:38.320 --> 00:18:40.480 these things oh hot pink we've got some 00:18:40.480 --> 00:18:43.039 pinks in there rainbow color mmm 00:18:43.039 --> 00:18:44.720 beautiful 00:18:44.720 --> 00:18:47.120 but baby love is made up of lots of 00:18:47.120 --> 00:18:49.440 different colors 00:18:49.440 --> 00:18:52.880 so in this work that we have here 00:18:52.880 --> 00:18:54.400 we have 00:18:54.400 --> 00:18:55.840 two people 00:18:55.840 --> 00:18:56.960 gosh 00:18:56.960 --> 00:18:57.840 now 00:18:57.840 --> 00:18:59.919 i don't know if you remember or if 00:18:59.919 --> 00:19:01.520 you've seen one of these you may 00:19:01.520 --> 00:19:03.520 remember sending these 00:19:03.520 --> 00:19:05.520 so these are one 00:19:05.520 --> 00:19:08.400 two postcards i've got yellow gold and 00:19:08.400 --> 00:19:10.720 green the colors are all coming in 00:19:10.720 --> 00:19:14.559 a murky ocean green beautiful grace 00:19:14.559 --> 00:19:16.720 and so these are two people who have 00:19:16.720 --> 00:19:19.280 made postcards 00:19:19.280 --> 00:19:22.000 now when you send a postcard quite often 00:19:22.000 --> 00:19:23.840 for me that would be when i was doing 00:19:23.840 --> 00:19:26.240 something i love so i was having such a 00:19:26.240 --> 00:19:28.960 nice time maybe on holiday or maybe 00:19:28.960 --> 00:19:30.960 visiting my family 00:19:30.960 --> 00:19:33.679 or maybe i'd seen something so beautiful 00:19:33.679 --> 00:19:35.760 and i just wanted to tell everyone about 00:19:35.760 --> 00:19:39.679 it that i would send someone a postcard 00:19:39.679 --> 00:19:42.240 now you can see here in these postcards 00:19:42.240 --> 00:19:44.880 oh my gosh there's so many colors 00:19:44.880 --> 00:19:48.240 maybe lots of rainbows but 00:19:48.240 --> 00:19:50.080 can you see 00:19:50.080 --> 00:19:52.720 there's a long string 00:19:52.720 --> 00:19:54.799 that connects the two and it starts in 00:19:54.799 --> 00:19:57.280 the postcard on the left 00:19:57.280 --> 00:19:59.679 and it goes all the way oh my gosh it 00:19:59.679 --> 00:20:01.760 actually jumps across the postcard to 00:20:01.760 --> 00:20:03.840 the other side 00:20:03.840 --> 00:20:07.840 and it's connected to something here 00:20:07.840 --> 00:20:09.679 what lives here 00:20:09.679 --> 00:20:11.280 my friends 00:20:11.280 --> 00:20:13.039 what lives here 00:20:13.039 --> 00:20:16.000 and i'll give you a hint it goes 00:20:16.000 --> 00:20:17.360 oh something 00:20:17.360 --> 00:20:21.440 some people are holding up their hands 00:20:21.440 --> 00:20:23.120 that's right 00:20:23.120 --> 00:20:25.280 your heart lives there 00:20:25.280 --> 00:20:28.080 so we've got one heart beautiful oh well 00:20:28.080 --> 00:20:30.320 done connected to someone else's other 00:20:30.320 --> 00:20:32.080 heart 00:20:32.080 --> 00:20:34.640 well done my friends 00:20:34.640 --> 00:20:37.600 but along with this beautiful red heart 00:20:37.600 --> 00:20:40.240 connection we've also got that dressed 00:20:40.240 --> 00:20:42.400 in this same way these same beautiful 00:20:42.400 --> 00:20:43.919 colors we've got this 00:20:43.919 --> 00:20:46.559 oh wow talk about wearing something to 00:20:46.559 --> 00:20:48.159 show you love each other we've got this 00:20:48.159 --> 00:20:52.480 beautiful gold covering their bodies oh 00:20:52.480 --> 00:20:55.360 and we've got can you see their faces 00:20:55.360 --> 00:20:57.600 who guessed that maybe love was blue 00:20:57.600 --> 00:20:59.919 colored 00:20:59.919 --> 00:21:04.880 big blue faces and wait a minute 00:21:04.880 --> 00:21:07.440 can you see their lips 00:21:07.440 --> 00:21:10.480 that beautiful color red as well so love 00:21:10.480 --> 00:21:12.400 i think maybe can be a lot of different 00:21:12.400 --> 00:21:13.440 colors 00:21:13.440 --> 00:21:15.279 a lot of different things that connect 00:21:15.279 --> 00:21:18.559 people together 00:21:18.559 --> 00:21:24.240 okay 00:21:24.240 --> 00:21:25.440 love 00:21:25.440 --> 00:21:28.159 is where friends meet 00:21:28.159 --> 00:21:29.679 can you think of somewhere that you meet 00:21:29.679 --> 00:21:31.600 the people you love 00:21:31.600 --> 00:21:32.799 at the moment it might be around the 00:21:32.799 --> 00:21:35.679 dinner table or it might be a board game 00:21:35.679 --> 00:21:37.919 you might wave to someone over the zoom 00:21:37.919 --> 00:21:39.520 sometime maybe we'll give each other a 00:21:39.520 --> 00:21:41.919 wave right now 00:21:41.919 --> 00:21:45.039 hello my friends 00:21:45.039 --> 00:21:46.799 now friends 00:21:46.799 --> 00:21:49.360 often share interests 00:21:49.360 --> 00:21:50.640 can you think of something you like to 00:21:50.640 --> 00:21:52.640 do with a friend 00:21:52.640 --> 00:21:55.360 you might hmm what do i like to do with 00:21:55.360 --> 00:21:56.559 my friends 00:21:56.559 --> 00:21:59.600 i like to discover new places 00:21:59.600 --> 00:22:02.720 i like to go for long walks 00:22:02.720 --> 00:22:04.720 and see the birds 00:22:04.720 --> 00:22:08.559 and when i can i love to go camping 00:22:08.559 --> 00:22:11.039 so these two friends 00:22:11.039 --> 00:22:12.880 oh my gosh 00:22:12.880 --> 00:22:15.120 we are seeing some beautiful costumes 00:22:15.120 --> 00:22:19.840 today hey we've got one two 00:22:19.840 --> 00:22:22.159 and they're sort of dressed the same 00:22:22.159 --> 00:22:26.799 but also sort of dressed a bit different 00:22:26.799 --> 00:22:29.200 nita likes to go to art exhibitions oh 00:22:29.200 --> 00:22:31.200 junipers likes to play shelby likes the 00:22:31.200 --> 00:22:34.080 beach 00:22:34.080 --> 00:22:36.559 oh liz likes to eat chocolate that's a 00:22:36.559 --> 00:22:39.080 very good one what do you like to do 00:22:39.080 --> 00:22:40.640 [Music] 00:22:40.640 --> 00:22:41.919 now 00:22:41.919 --> 00:22:44.080 i want you to have a guess so we know 00:22:44.080 --> 00:22:46.400 that friends like 00:22:46.400 --> 00:22:48.080 similar things sometimes that's why 00:22:48.080 --> 00:22:49.760 we're friends 00:22:49.760 --> 00:22:51.840 have a guess 00:22:51.840 --> 00:22:54.240 with these two friends 00:22:54.240 --> 00:22:57.200 what they might like to do together 00:22:57.200 --> 00:22:59.840 and i'll give you a hint 00:22:59.840 --> 00:23:02.799 something to do 00:23:02.799 --> 00:23:05.520 with how they look the same oh 00:23:05.520 --> 00:23:08.799 we've got some great ideas already now 00:23:08.799 --> 00:23:10.480 we have had to guess that this might be 00:23:10.480 --> 00:23:12.640 fashion designers and i think you might 00:23:12.640 --> 00:23:16.159 be right but i love this fashion oh play 00:23:16.159 --> 00:23:18.960 piano they might like to paint 00:23:18.960 --> 00:23:20.240 that's a good guess with all these 00:23:20.240 --> 00:23:23.200 beautiful colors 00:23:23.200 --> 00:23:25.360 now my friends think about 00:23:25.360 --> 00:23:27.600 when you do go for your exercise outside 00:23:27.600 --> 00:23:30.480 your beautiful walk outside and have a 00:23:30.480 --> 00:23:32.159 think about i want you to think about 00:23:32.159 --> 00:23:33.520 the trees 00:23:33.520 --> 00:23:35.919 and the things you find on the trees 00:23:35.919 --> 00:23:37.840 specifically the 00:23:37.840 --> 00:23:40.559 the big leaves that you find 00:23:40.559 --> 00:23:42.640 now another thing that we find outside 00:23:42.640 --> 00:23:44.080 you might if you're in canberra at the 00:23:44.080 --> 00:23:46.240 moment you might see this it's my 00:23:46.240 --> 00:23:48.240 favorite australian flower 00:23:48.240 --> 00:23:49.760 it goes 00:23:49.760 --> 00:23:51.760 like this at a certain time of year 00:23:51.760 --> 00:23:55.360 and it's bright yellow 00:23:55.360 --> 00:23:57.039 can you guess what that is 00:23:57.039 --> 00:23:58.720 they're actually quite small though and 00:23:58.720 --> 00:24:01.679 they all come out at once and they go 00:24:01.679 --> 00:24:04.559 ah liz has got it yes you know exactly 00:24:04.559 --> 00:24:05.520 it goes 00:24:05.520 --> 00:24:06.880 it's wattle 00:24:06.880 --> 00:24:08.960 now having a look at these two 00:24:08.960 --> 00:24:11.279 can you find 00:24:11.279 --> 00:24:13.279 leaves in what they're wearing who can 00:24:13.279 --> 00:24:15.600 see leaves 00:24:15.600 --> 00:24:16.880 yeah 00:24:16.880 --> 00:24:17.760 now 00:24:17.760 --> 00:24:19.679 it's a little bit harder to find but can 00:24:19.679 --> 00:24:21.360 you find 00:24:21.360 --> 00:24:23.520 the wattle 00:24:23.520 --> 00:24:25.760 and it might be lots of different colors 00:24:25.760 --> 00:24:28.720 and you might have to look really close 00:24:28.720 --> 00:24:31.440 but on the left elva can see it 00:24:31.440 --> 00:24:34.320 you can see lots of little round balls 00:24:34.320 --> 00:24:36.159 hanging around this fashion designer's 00:24:36.159 --> 00:24:37.600 neck 00:24:37.600 --> 00:24:40.000 jenny's got all these beautiful wattle 00:24:40.000 --> 00:24:43.200 inspired baubles hanging around her neck 00:24:43.200 --> 00:24:46.000 so not only do they love fashion design 00:24:46.000 --> 00:24:47.840 and love each other but they also love 00:24:47.840 --> 00:24:49.760 australian outback and all of their 00:24:49.760 --> 00:24:54.720 clothes inspired by it 00:24:54.720 --> 00:24:58.240 [Music] 00:24:58.240 --> 00:25:03.520 love is where dreams are dreamt 00:25:03.520 --> 00:25:06.159 who makes you think big thoughts 00:25:06.159 --> 00:25:08.960 who makes you dream 00:25:08.960 --> 00:25:10.799 sometimes it's the person who wishes you 00:25:10.799 --> 00:25:12.799 good night hey 00:25:12.799 --> 00:25:16.000 wow look at this one here 00:25:16.000 --> 00:25:18.399 can you see her big beautiful eyes and 00:25:18.399 --> 00:25:19.919 what is she doing with your hands can 00:25:19.919 --> 00:25:23.600 you take your hands and do this as well 00:25:23.600 --> 00:25:26.720 wow that feels like when i do that that 00:25:26.720 --> 00:25:29.279 feels like a big thought i feel like i'm 00:25:29.279 --> 00:25:32.080 having a big thought like a big 00:25:32.080 --> 00:25:35.310 like i could imagine entire worlds 00:25:35.310 --> 00:25:40.799 [Music] 00:25:40.799 --> 00:25:44.080 and love 00:25:44.080 --> 00:25:46.559 is where adventures come from 00:25:46.559 --> 00:25:48.480 oh i like that idea love is where 00:25:48.480 --> 00:25:50.559 adventures happen 00:25:50.559 --> 00:25:52.159 can you think when you had your last 00:25:52.159 --> 00:25:53.440 adventure 00:25:53.440 --> 00:25:55.120 maybe it was the last time you went out 00:25:55.120 --> 00:25:56.799 for your big walk 00:25:56.799 --> 00:25:59.120 or maybe it was when you 00:25:59.120 --> 00:26:00.159 um 00:26:00.159 --> 00:26:02.159 i think it was actually even a book that 00:26:02.159 --> 00:26:03.600 you read with someone that was a great 00:26:03.600 --> 00:26:04.960 big adventure 00:26:04.960 --> 00:26:07.679 can you think of who you were with 00:26:07.679 --> 00:26:10.159 now these two oh beautiful mount 00:26:10.159 --> 00:26:12.399 wellington in the snow 00:26:12.399 --> 00:26:15.279 now these two one two i'm guessing 00:26:15.279 --> 00:26:17.200 they're friends 00:26:17.200 --> 00:26:18.960 and let's guess what they had an 00:26:18.960 --> 00:26:21.600 adventure doing because one hit might be 00:26:21.600 --> 00:26:23.520 there wearing 00:26:23.520 --> 00:26:24.880 goggles 00:26:24.880 --> 00:26:28.000 another it might be what they're wearing 00:26:28.000 --> 00:26:30.640 here which looks like a jumpsuit to me 00:26:30.640 --> 00:26:32.480 and some of you might be able to see 00:26:32.480 --> 00:26:34.559 some of you have guessed already in the 00:26:34.559 --> 00:26:36.799 back and it's blue colored 00:26:36.799 --> 00:26:39.120 it's not just the blue 00:26:39.120 --> 00:26:41.200 of the sky there's a 00:26:41.200 --> 00:26:42.960 that's right there's an aeroplane these 00:26:42.960 --> 00:26:45.200 two are pilots now that's a huge 00:26:45.200 --> 00:26:49.360 adventure 00:26:49.360 --> 00:26:52.640 last page 00:26:52.640 --> 00:26:55.120 mum was very quiet 00:26:55.120 --> 00:26:59.440 because she was thinking very loud 00:26:59.440 --> 00:27:00.960 what is it mum 00:27:00.960 --> 00:27:03.279 ask the child 00:27:03.279 --> 00:27:06.480 i love you very much she said 00:27:06.480 --> 00:27:09.360 and it was true 00:27:09.360 --> 00:27:12.320 i love you too said the child 00:27:12.320 --> 00:27:15.679 and that was true as well 00:27:15.679 --> 00:27:18.240 and for our last picture 00:27:18.240 --> 00:27:19.919 now i think these two might love each 00:27:19.919 --> 00:27:22.320 other very much 00:27:22.320 --> 00:27:23.919 because they're looking straight at each 00:27:23.919 --> 00:27:25.360 other aren't they 00:27:25.360 --> 00:27:26.880 and they've got their arms around each 00:27:26.880 --> 00:27:28.559 other 00:27:28.559 --> 00:27:30.960 and one of my favorite bits here is that 00:27:30.960 --> 00:27:33.360 all around them there's this big color 00:27:33.360 --> 00:27:35.360 blue that color that we were thinking 00:27:35.360 --> 00:27:36.559 might be love 00:27:36.559 --> 00:27:38.159 as if sometimes when you're with your 00:27:38.159 --> 00:27:43.440 best friend or your mum or nama or pop 00:27:43.440 --> 00:27:45.679 that there's nothing else in the world 00:27:45.679 --> 00:27:48.720 it's just you and them 00:27:48.720 --> 00:27:51.279 what a beautiful picture 00:27:51.279 --> 00:27:54.320 so now 00:27:54.320 --> 00:27:57.600 with our um thoughts and so many 00:27:57.600 --> 00:28:00.159 thoughts about what love is gosh 00:28:00.159 --> 00:28:03.279 adventures and dreams and the places we 00:28:03.279 --> 00:28:04.480 are 00:28:04.480 --> 00:28:08.000 we're gonna do something that my friends 00:28:08.000 --> 00:28:11.120 at the gallery here amy loves to do 00:28:11.120 --> 00:28:11.919 now 00:28:11.919 --> 00:28:13.679 i like to read 00:28:13.679 --> 00:28:16.799 i like to walk i like to hang out with 00:28:16.799 --> 00:28:17.919 rasam 00:28:17.919 --> 00:28:19.440 but amy 00:28:19.440 --> 00:28:24.399 loves to do crafts 00:28:24.399 --> 00:28:25.679 hi amy 00:28:25.679 --> 00:28:27.440 hi carolyn 00:28:27.440 --> 00:28:30.720 hi carolyn hi everybody 00:28:30.720 --> 00:28:33.840 um it's so lovely to see all your faces 00:28:33.840 --> 00:28:37.600 and carolyn she speaks the truth i do 00:28:37.600 --> 00:28:41.600 love to craft another word i love to 00:28:41.600 --> 00:28:43.120 make art 00:28:43.120 --> 00:28:46.240 i hope everybody here loves to make art 00:28:46.240 --> 00:28:47.519 too 00:28:47.519 --> 00:28:50.159 um let's let's have a bit of hands up 00:28:50.159 --> 00:28:52.880 who loves to make art 00:28:52.880 --> 00:28:56.880 ah that's wonderful that's wonderful now 00:28:56.880 --> 00:28:59.279 i think thank you so much for reading 00:28:59.279 --> 00:29:02.240 that story caroline you've inspired to 00:29:02.240 --> 00:29:04.880 make art about that story so what should 00:29:04.880 --> 00:29:07.519 we make out about what 00:29:07.519 --> 00:29:09.279 maybe maybe love 00:29:09.279 --> 00:29:12.399 i think about love but i think 00:29:12.399 --> 00:29:16.320 about what love looks like to us i know 00:29:16.320 --> 00:29:17.919 it's a challenge 00:29:17.919 --> 00:29:20.399 it's a challenge but i think everybody's 00:29:20.399 --> 00:29:21.360 ready 00:29:21.360 --> 00:29:22.320 but 00:29:22.320 --> 00:29:24.320 is everybody ready do you have some 00:29:24.320 --> 00:29:26.799 materials with you yeah that we could 00:29:26.799 --> 00:29:29.279 use 00:29:29.279 --> 00:29:31.679 carolyn have you got some materials i've 00:29:31.679 --> 00:29:33.440 been looking around and i did find 00:29:33.440 --> 00:29:35.840 things so i found things like 00:29:35.840 --> 00:29:38.000 i'm not quite sure what it is yet but i 00:29:38.000 --> 00:29:40.559 think maybe it goes in here so i found 00:29:40.559 --> 00:29:42.559 the top of a pot 00:29:42.559 --> 00:29:43.919 inspired me 00:29:43.919 --> 00:29:46.000 and i found some wool 00:29:46.000 --> 00:29:47.440 and i found 00:29:47.440 --> 00:29:49.120 some 00:29:49.120 --> 00:29:52.399 scissors oh that's very good that's a 00:29:52.399 --> 00:29:55.440 very good finding carolyn did everybody 00:29:55.440 --> 00:29:57.840 find some things i found some things and 00:29:57.840 --> 00:29:59.360 i would like to show you some of the 00:29:59.360 --> 00:30:02.240 things that i found 00:30:02.240 --> 00:30:05.039 i went outside 00:30:05.039 --> 00:30:07.919 and i found some twigs 00:30:07.919 --> 00:30:11.519 beautiful and i found some rocks 00:30:11.519 --> 00:30:14.640 beautiful different textured rocks 00:30:14.640 --> 00:30:18.960 i also found a peg 00:30:18.960 --> 00:30:21.840 now i was thinking for a peg 00:30:21.840 --> 00:30:25.279 i could put some twigs 00:30:25.279 --> 00:30:27.440 on this peg and actually use it as a 00:30:27.440 --> 00:30:28.960 paintbrush 00:30:28.960 --> 00:30:30.720 that's a great idea 00:30:30.720 --> 00:30:33.120 so i found some good treasures 00:30:33.120 --> 00:30:34.880 but i also 00:30:34.880 --> 00:30:37.360 looked in a very very good spot for 00:30:37.360 --> 00:30:40.799 everybody to find good craft art making 00:30:40.799 --> 00:30:43.840 materials to build 00:30:43.840 --> 00:30:46.480 the recycling 00:30:46.480 --> 00:30:48.720 so i found 00:30:48.720 --> 00:30:51.760 some egg cartons 00:30:51.760 --> 00:30:54.720 i even found some toilet rolls did 00:30:54.720 --> 00:30:57.600 anybody else find some toilet rolls oh 00:30:57.600 --> 00:31:00.320 i've got a toilet roll oh good i i think 00:31:00.320 --> 00:31:03.120 that most people would have a toilet 00:31:03.120 --> 00:31:06.399 roll in their house i'm hoping so 00:31:06.399 --> 00:31:09.039 you never know 00:31:09.039 --> 00:31:13.519 i also found 00:31:13.519 --> 00:31:14.800 some bread 00:31:14.800 --> 00:31:16.000 plastic 00:31:16.000 --> 00:31:18.879 containers which i could also pop on the 00:31:18.879 --> 00:31:24.800 end of my peg and use as a paintbrush 00:31:24.800 --> 00:31:29.200 what else did i find oh 00:31:29.200 --> 00:31:32.960 i found 00:31:32.960 --> 00:31:35.040 some glue 00:31:35.040 --> 00:31:36.480 stapler 00:31:36.480 --> 00:31:38.560 some scissors 00:31:38.560 --> 00:31:40.879 i also found some paper 00:31:40.879 --> 00:31:42.879 can you show us what you found if you 00:31:42.879 --> 00:31:44.320 want to hold it up to the camera and we 00:31:44.320 --> 00:31:46.879 can see what you found around your house 00:31:46.879 --> 00:31:49.599 oh wow i toilet rolls from some of you 00:31:49.599 --> 00:31:51.359 that's beautiful 00:31:51.359 --> 00:31:54.320 oh gosh some of you have some beautiful 00:31:54.320 --> 00:31:57.040 i'm drawing things as well 00:31:57.040 --> 00:31:59.919 oh i'm jealous of some of them caroline 00:31:59.919 --> 00:32:02.560 jocelyn has beautiful brown paper i can 00:32:02.560 --> 00:32:04.640 see well done and 00:32:04.640 --> 00:32:06.720 scissors 00:32:06.720 --> 00:32:09.359 we're ready to go i think we are i think 00:32:09.359 --> 00:32:11.440 we're ready to start 00:32:11.440 --> 00:32:14.800 making what love looks like to us 00:32:14.800 --> 00:32:16.560 so i guess that's the really big 00:32:16.560 --> 00:32:19.040 question isn't it what does love look 00:32:19.040 --> 00:32:20.839 like to you 00:32:20.839 --> 00:32:24.000 oh oh carolyn it could be an hour 00:32:24.000 --> 00:32:26.560 session or more oh so fat mine looks 00:32:26.560 --> 00:32:27.599 like 00:32:27.599 --> 00:32:30.400 this 00:32:30.400 --> 00:32:31.280 my 00:32:31.280 --> 00:32:34.480 i i must admit i was listening 00:32:34.480 --> 00:32:36.560 and i was looking in some comments in 00:32:36.560 --> 00:32:39.440 the chat yeah and i thought we could all 00:32:39.440 --> 00:32:40.640 together 00:32:40.640 --> 00:32:43.119 explore the notion that love can look 00:32:43.119 --> 00:32:45.280 like a heart 00:32:45.280 --> 00:32:48.320 because i saw um a lovely symbol of a 00:32:48.320 --> 00:32:50.240 heart yeah we've got lots of people 00:32:50.240 --> 00:32:52.480 doing the heart symbol yeah and you can 00:32:52.480 --> 00:32:56.640 also think of the heart 00:32:56.640 --> 00:32:58.240 in your chest 00:32:58.240 --> 00:32:59.839 yeah 00:32:59.839 --> 00:33:04.560 and how could we represent that heart 00:33:04.560 --> 00:33:06.720 what do you find in your heart that's a 00:33:06.720 --> 00:33:09.920 really big question oh i think 00:33:09.920 --> 00:33:13.440 how about this yeah everybody gets 00:33:13.440 --> 00:33:16.640 their paper okay 00:33:16.640 --> 00:33:18.160 and 00:33:18.160 --> 00:33:21.599 a pencil or a crayon or whatever you're 00:33:21.599 --> 00:33:24.720 found to draw with yeah 00:33:24.720 --> 00:33:27.680 how about we all draw 00:33:27.680 --> 00:33:28.880 what we 00:33:28.880 --> 00:33:31.839 how we would like to represent a heart 00:33:31.839 --> 00:33:34.960 and then we show it to everyone all 00:33:34.960 --> 00:33:37.839 right not a good idea i love it all 00:33:37.839 --> 00:33:38.480 right 00:33:38.480 --> 00:33:40.320 so let's all 00:33:40.320 --> 00:33:44.640 deep in concentration artist mode 00:33:44.640 --> 00:33:47.119 think really heavily about how we're 00:33:47.119 --> 00:33:49.119 going to represent a heart 00:33:49.119 --> 00:33:51.040 shaver has a nice idea of drawing 00:33:51.040 --> 00:33:52.880 friends i think that's a lovely idea of 00:33:52.880 --> 00:33:55.359 how you might represent a heart oh i 00:33:55.359 --> 00:34:00.560 wonder how she will plan that out 00:34:00.560 --> 00:34:03.119 if she would draw it or if she could 00:34:03.119 --> 00:34:05.040 build it 00:34:05.040 --> 00:34:07.119 right now i'm just drawing my 00:34:07.119 --> 00:34:10.400 representation of a heart but oh i 00:34:10.400 --> 00:34:12.400 wonder 00:34:12.400 --> 00:34:15.040 maybe after this session 00:34:15.040 --> 00:34:23.119 what will happen 00:34:23.119 --> 00:34:26.640 all right the drawing going oh all right 00:34:26.640 --> 00:34:28.800 i'm gonna i'm gonna show you all mine 00:34:28.800 --> 00:34:31.440 i'm gonna be very brave all right amy 00:34:31.440 --> 00:34:35.119 okay 00:34:35.119 --> 00:34:37.839 oh can you see my representation of a 00:34:37.839 --> 00:34:39.760 heart 00:34:39.760 --> 00:34:42.320 wow amy 00:34:42.320 --> 00:34:44.079 can people guess 00:34:44.079 --> 00:34:48.079 how i've represented it 00:34:48.079 --> 00:34:49.200 ah 00:34:49.200 --> 00:34:51.040 a heartbeat 00:34:51.040 --> 00:34:57.359 absolutely a line of my heartbeat 00:34:57.359 --> 00:34:59.520 i didn't i didn't have a machine that i 00:34:59.520 --> 00:35:02.079 could really listen to my heart 00:35:02.079 --> 00:35:06.480 but it's a representation of my heart 00:35:06.480 --> 00:35:08.880 can i show you my name me i would love 00:35:08.880 --> 00:35:11.440 to and if you're feeling brave at home 00:35:11.440 --> 00:35:13.200 if you want to show us on the camera 00:35:13.200 --> 00:35:16.400 carolyn and i would love to see them all 00:35:16.400 --> 00:35:20.840 right can we see yours 00:35:20.840 --> 00:35:24.640 [Laughter] 00:35:24.640 --> 00:35:26.640 do they look the same did i get it right 00:35:26.640 --> 00:35:29.440 it's always in your heart always resting 00:35:29.440 --> 00:35:34.960 as always 00:35:34.960 --> 00:35:35.839 okay 00:35:35.839 --> 00:35:39.119 having a look to see if we've got anyone 00:35:39.119 --> 00:35:41.119 oh i've got a beautiful red heart being 00:35:41.119 --> 00:35:42.800 held up by liz and missy that's a 00:35:42.800 --> 00:35:44.480 beautiful one 00:35:44.480 --> 00:35:46.400 and oh there's lots of hearts actually 00:35:46.400 --> 00:35:48.720 ann as well jill's kids 00:35:48.720 --> 00:35:51.599 zen oh sam music has written out love 00:35:51.599 --> 00:35:54.160 but with this cross cross hatch heart 00:35:54.160 --> 00:35:56.400 there's lots of beautiful ideas shaver's 00:35:56.400 --> 00:35:58.000 got their friends with them that's 00:35:58.000 --> 00:36:00.400 gorgeous aaron and and i can see you 00:36:00.400 --> 00:36:03.119 holding up as well liz that's beautiful 00:36:03.119 --> 00:36:08.720 work oh my gosh what beautiful drawings 00:36:08.720 --> 00:36:11.200 do we have carolyn do we have any 00:36:11.200 --> 00:36:14.560 questions um sorry any answers to our 00:36:14.560 --> 00:36:18.480 question of what love looks like to our 00:36:18.480 --> 00:36:20.560 participants just having a look so i 00:36:20.560 --> 00:36:22.320 shaver offered and she's shown us as 00:36:22.320 --> 00:36:23.839 well friends 00:36:23.839 --> 00:36:26.560 stephanie says love looks like bubblegum 00:36:26.560 --> 00:36:30.640 which i love the idea of that like 00:36:30.640 --> 00:36:32.240 it's like bubblegum 00:36:32.240 --> 00:36:35.839 and i i imagine a lot of um maybe um 00:36:35.839 --> 00:36:38.000 maybe we should all make a little bit of 00:36:38.000 --> 00:36:40.560 bubble gum how would we make that how 00:36:40.560 --> 00:36:42.079 would you make it i've got i've got some 00:36:42.079 --> 00:36:43.680 string too 00:36:43.680 --> 00:36:46.560 do you probably at home have any ideas 00:36:46.560 --> 00:36:48.800 of how we can help out our fellow 00:36:48.800 --> 00:36:50.240 artists 00:36:50.240 --> 00:36:51.280 maybe 00:36:51.280 --> 00:36:54.800 a imaginative response we can think of 00:36:54.800 --> 00:36:58.160 of how to represent bubblegum 00:36:58.160 --> 00:37:00.720 maybe a person in a large bubble of 00:37:00.720 --> 00:37:02.800 bubblegum my gosh a large bubble of 00:37:02.800 --> 00:37:04.720 bubblegum 00:37:04.720 --> 00:37:07.359 i love that idea aaron ian think that 00:37:07.359 --> 00:37:09.680 love looks like things like something 00:37:09.680 --> 00:37:10.800 you love 00:37:10.800 --> 00:37:14.839 and very good very specific 00:37:14.839 --> 00:37:19.040 i am i saw before on the chat that love 00:37:19.040 --> 00:37:21.599 love looked like a um love feels like a 00:37:21.599 --> 00:37:24.880 heart a hug 00:37:24.880 --> 00:37:27.680 how we how we could make a hug 00:37:27.680 --> 00:37:29.599 maybe yourself 00:37:29.599 --> 00:37:32.640 make my cereal boxes i could get 00:37:32.640 --> 00:37:37.359 different types of cereal boxes and wrap 00:37:37.359 --> 00:37:39.680 a lot of string around them and draw 00:37:39.680 --> 00:37:41.920 them together in a big hug 00:37:41.920 --> 00:37:44.240 i had this idea that maybe love might be 00:37:44.240 --> 00:37:46.880 something that you give to someone else 00:37:46.880 --> 00:37:47.680 so 00:37:47.680 --> 00:37:49.680 you could think about maybe making a 00:37:49.680 --> 00:37:51.680 decoration that you give someone that 00:37:51.680 --> 00:37:52.800 you're with 00:37:52.800 --> 00:37:56.079 oh that's nice or maybe if there's lots 00:37:56.079 --> 00:38:00.480 of people in your house may be sharing 00:38:00.480 --> 00:38:04.480 oh yes maybe share love 00:38:04.480 --> 00:38:07.359 maybe making your artwork about love or 00:38:07.359 --> 00:38:10.000 sharing your materials that you're found 00:38:10.000 --> 00:38:12.960 around the house oh 00:38:12.960 --> 00:38:15.119 that's a nice idea maybe to stick on oh 00:38:15.119 --> 00:38:18.240 justin beautiful maybe making something 00:38:18.240 --> 00:38:20.480 that you can put around your house to 00:38:20.480 --> 00:38:21.920 decorate 00:38:21.920 --> 00:38:24.000 that can be a symbol to show each other 00:38:24.000 --> 00:38:26.560 that you love each other oh i love these 00:38:26.560 --> 00:38:29.599 ideas they're wonderful oh my gosh so 00:38:29.599 --> 00:38:31.119 tina thinks that love looks like 00:38:31.119 --> 00:38:33.119 chocolates well i think we have a few 00:38:33.119 --> 00:38:35.280 people who think love i think we do as 00:38:35.280 --> 00:38:36.560 well 00:38:36.560 --> 00:38:38.480 all together because it's fun doing 00:38:38.480 --> 00:38:40.400 things all together at the moment 00:38:40.400 --> 00:38:42.400 just like we all drew what our 00:38:42.400 --> 00:38:44.880 representation of a heart was how about 00:38:44.880 --> 00:38:47.599 we all do our representation of what 00:38:47.599 --> 00:38:48.880 chocolate 00:38:48.880 --> 00:38:51.520 or maybe like our favorite food oh i 00:38:51.520 --> 00:38:53.760 love facebook food we love 00:38:53.760 --> 00:38:56.000 maybe i'll start with spaghetti i don't 00:38:56.000 --> 00:38:58.720 know let's let's all have a little thing 00:38:58.720 --> 00:39:00.240 and a build 00:39:00.240 --> 00:39:01.200 okay 00:39:01.200 --> 00:39:04.160 now sebastian says love is my family 00:39:04.160 --> 00:39:06.240 which i think is really really thank you 00:39:06.240 --> 00:39:07.760 for adding that sebastian that's a 00:39:07.760 --> 00:39:09.839 wonderful one and we are spending a lot 00:39:09.839 --> 00:39:11.280 of time with our beautiful families at 00:39:11.280 --> 00:39:13.280 the moment if we're lucky so that's a 00:39:13.280 --> 00:39:14.880 wonderful thing to add 00:39:14.880 --> 00:39:17.920 elvis added that love is in your heart 00:39:17.920 --> 00:39:20.640 gorgeous oh and we've got another one 00:39:20.640 --> 00:39:23.119 with food we love our chocolate 00:39:23.119 --> 00:39:24.960 spaghetti and aaron and ian think that 00:39:24.960 --> 00:39:28.720 love might be ice cream oh i think ice 00:39:28.720 --> 00:39:29.839 cream 00:39:29.839 --> 00:39:32.000 i wonder how you could make um an 00:39:32.000 --> 00:39:33.440 artwork 00:39:33.440 --> 00:39:36.480 that isn't made out of ice cream but 00:39:36.480 --> 00:39:38.560 represents ice cream because i know an 00:39:38.560 --> 00:39:42.160 artwork made out of ice cream would melt 00:39:42.160 --> 00:39:44.800 yes so maybe oh you could put a 00:39:44.800 --> 00:39:46.560 refrigerator 00:39:46.560 --> 00:39:49.839 a freezer around it 00:39:49.839 --> 00:39:51.119 thing 00:39:51.119 --> 00:39:52.480 imagine that 00:39:52.480 --> 00:39:55.440 an artwork made out of ice cream oh my 00:39:55.440 --> 00:39:56.480 gosh 00:39:56.480 --> 00:39:58.079 it wouldn't last very long it would 00:39:58.079 --> 00:40:02.000 mysteriously disappear in my house 00:40:02.000 --> 00:40:04.560 ransom would eat it yeah 00:40:04.560 --> 00:40:08.960 i thought um about our hug idea and i 00:40:08.960 --> 00:40:11.440 thought maybe 00:40:11.440 --> 00:40:12.319 two 00:40:12.319 --> 00:40:13.920 bits of string 00:40:13.920 --> 00:40:18.000 yeah wound it around like this 00:40:18.000 --> 00:40:21.920 then i could sticky tape them 00:40:21.920 --> 00:40:23.680 onto 00:40:23.680 --> 00:40:26.000 my bit of paper 00:40:26.000 --> 00:40:28.240 and even though 00:40:28.240 --> 00:40:29.359 um 00:40:29.359 --> 00:40:30.640 it doesn't 00:40:30.640 --> 00:40:34.880 it it doesn't look like a literal hug 00:40:34.880 --> 00:40:38.720 it's a symbol of a hug 00:40:38.720 --> 00:40:40.160 now 00:40:40.160 --> 00:40:42.400 i've got a wonderful one 00:40:42.400 --> 00:40:45.200 of it's another word for hug actually 00:40:45.200 --> 00:40:47.680 and it is that i'm just pulling down the 00:40:47.680 --> 00:40:51.359 words from tina that oh no that 00:40:51.359 --> 00:40:54.800 love is snuggles with my dog clancy 00:40:54.800 --> 00:40:56.960 oh i love that snuggle's another good 00:40:56.960 --> 00:40:59.200 word for huggies man because carolyn i 00:40:59.200 --> 00:41:03.359 would love to share with everybody yeah 00:41:03.359 --> 00:41:06.319 that a four-year-old artist 00:41:06.319 --> 00:41:08.160 made what love 00:41:08.160 --> 00:41:11.920 looks like to him oh my god and he 00:41:11.920 --> 00:41:12.960 thought 00:41:12.960 --> 00:41:16.240 yeah it was like a warmth 00:41:16.240 --> 00:41:18.720 and the way he depicted warmth was he 00:41:18.720 --> 00:41:22.400 put some blankets 00:41:22.400 --> 00:41:23.359 down 00:41:23.359 --> 00:41:26.000 so these are lovely felt blankets but 00:41:26.000 --> 00:41:30.319 also that love feels like a cloud 00:41:30.319 --> 00:41:31.440 in here 00:41:31.440 --> 00:41:34.480 oh right now 00:41:34.480 --> 00:41:38.480 he put some very soft material in 00:41:38.480 --> 00:41:42.079 to represent a cloud and the feeling of 00:41:42.079 --> 00:41:43.359 love 00:41:43.359 --> 00:41:47.119 beautiful love being the feeling of love 00:41:47.119 --> 00:41:49.200 so amy in our last just couple of 00:41:49.200 --> 00:41:50.640 minutes together 00:41:50.640 --> 00:41:53.359 if people wanted to show us 00:41:53.359 --> 00:41:55.440 what they've made and you don't have to 00:41:55.440 --> 00:41:57.440 stop making after we leave you we hope 00:41:57.440 --> 00:41:59.680 you keep making all afternoon 00:41:59.680 --> 00:42:01.359 but maybe you've made something that you 00:42:01.359 --> 00:42:02.960 want to hold up to the camera to show us 00:42:02.960 --> 00:42:04.800 so i'll start by holding up mine i made 00:42:04.800 --> 00:42:06.560 my decorations so that everyone in my 00:42:06.560 --> 00:42:08.640 house knows that i love them 00:42:08.640 --> 00:42:10.960 that's my decoration it's sort of like a 00:42:10.960 --> 00:42:12.079 little 00:42:12.079 --> 00:42:13.440 that's going on the christmas tree i 00:42:13.440 --> 00:42:16.400 think that's lovely it's my mother 00:42:16.400 --> 00:42:19.359 um and we had oh my gosh so i see some 00:42:19.359 --> 00:42:20.960 beautiful toilet roll people friends 00:42:20.960 --> 00:42:22.319 thank you shave oh that's beautiful with 00:42:22.319 --> 00:42:23.760 beautiful hair 00:42:23.760 --> 00:42:25.440 too late i see you as well holding 00:42:25.440 --> 00:42:29.920 things up elva adele leela gorgeous 00:42:29.920 --> 00:42:32.319 beautiful oh so we've got lots of 00:42:32.319 --> 00:42:34.319 friends we've got the wonderful beauty 00:42:34.319 --> 00:42:36.400 oh i've got love being colored in 00:42:36.400 --> 00:42:38.000 glorious colours 00:42:38.000 --> 00:42:39.520 all being held up 00:42:39.520 --> 00:42:42.480 two people holding hands with big hearts 00:42:42.480 --> 00:42:45.920 oh beautiful work aaron and and so few 00:42:45.920 --> 00:42:48.960 people i can see them actually making an 00:42:48.960 --> 00:42:52.640 artwork with their bodies oh my god 00:42:52.640 --> 00:42:54.160 wow 00:42:54.160 --> 00:42:56.480 it is time for me and amy to say goodbye 00:42:56.480 --> 00:42:58.079 so if you just want to give us a big old 00:42:58.079 --> 00:43:00.720 wave to say goodbye 00:43:00.720 --> 00:43:02.000 and the goodbye to each other it's been 00:43:02.000 --> 00:43:03.760 lovely spending time with you and we'll 00:43:03.760 --> 00:43:06.560 pass back to our friend rob to uh to 00:43:06.560 --> 00:43:10.480 finish up 00:43:10.480 --> 00:43:13.200 excellent thanks so much carolyn thanks 00:43:13.200 --> 00:43:15.119 amy that was so much fun 00:43:15.119 --> 00:43:18.240 i hope people got some way towards 00:43:18.240 --> 00:43:20.319 making something that shows what they 00:43:20.319 --> 00:43:22.000 love 00:43:22.000 --> 00:43:24.960 keep on making with plenty of time left 00:43:24.960 --> 00:43:27.119 and you can continue it over the weekend 00:43:27.119 --> 00:43:29.359 hey send us some of your photos if you 00:43:29.359 --> 00:43:30.800 want to go to 00:43:30.800 --> 00:43:33.920 our web facebook posting you can post a 00:43:33.920 --> 00:43:35.680 picture of something that you created 00:43:35.680 --> 00:43:37.280 today or over the weekend we'd love to 00:43:37.280 --> 00:43:39.200 see what you've come up with 00:43:39.200 --> 00:43:41.359 thanks carolyn and i forgot to say that 00:43:41.359 --> 00:43:43.839 you actually wrote that story 00:43:43.839 --> 00:43:45.040 not just 00:43:45.040 --> 00:43:47.440 okay not just the storyteller but the 00:43:47.440 --> 00:43:49.440 author as well and we're also reading 00:43:49.440 --> 00:43:51.599 thank you so much that was lovely thanks 00:43:51.599 --> 00:43:54.240 for everyone for joining us it was a lot 00:43:54.240 --> 00:43:56.480 of fun keep on making now keep on 00:43:56.480 --> 00:43:57.680 thinking about 00:43:57.680 --> 00:44:01.200 what love looks like and 00:44:01.200 --> 00:44:03.119 lots to think about over the weekend 00:44:03.119 --> 00:44:04.640 that was beautiful 00:44:04.640 --> 00:44:07.839 thanks everyone and next friday we've 00:44:07.839 --> 00:44:09.920 got another story time for you i almost 00:44:09.920 --> 00:44:11.359 forgot to say 00:44:11.359 --> 00:44:13.359 and this is going to look a bit weird 00:44:13.359 --> 00:44:16.160 because of the technology involved but 00:44:16.160 --> 00:44:20.000 we're reading the best worst day ever 00:44:20.000 --> 00:44:21.119 and 00:44:21.119 --> 00:44:22.960 lots of great pictures in that amy's 00:44:22.960 --> 00:44:26.319 going to be our storyteller next week at 00:44:26.319 --> 00:44:29.200 3 30 on friday so please do join us 00:44:29.200 --> 00:44:31.680 it'll also be on facebook so i hope we 00:44:31.680 --> 00:44:32.800 see you then 00:44:32.800 --> 00:44:34.160 thanks everyone 00:44:34.160 --> 00:44:35.200 bye-bye 00:44:35.200 --> 00:44:38.240 bye-bye bye 00:44:38.240 --> 00:44:40.319 hi everyone 00:44:40.319 --> 00:44:42.000 awesome 00:44:42.000 --> 00:44:43.200 lovely 00:44:43.200 --> 00:44:43.860 love love 00:44:43.860 --> 00:45:39.839 [Laughter] 00:45:39.839 --> 00:45:40.839 you