WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.169 --> 00:00:01.800 (flamenco guitar music) 2 00:00:01.800 --> 00:00:02.843 - [Cameraman] All good? 3 00:00:07.190 --> 00:00:09.240 - My father was a world champion. 4 00:00:09.240 --> 00:00:12.600 line:15% Dad's uncle was a world champion, but on my mum's side, 5 00:00:12.600 --> 00:00:15.180 line:15% mum's uncle and mum's brother was a world champion. 6 00:00:15.180 --> 00:00:18.290 So, as a kid growing up, watching my dad win world 7 00:00:18.290 --> 00:00:21.220 championships and hoping and dreaming that maybe 8 00:00:21.220 --> 00:00:24.440 one day that you could win a world title like your dad. 9 00:00:24.440 --> 00:00:28.800 Well in 1979 my dream came true, but it was much bigger 10 00:00:28.800 --> 00:00:30.904 and better than whatever a kid could ever imagine. 11 00:00:30.904 --> 00:00:34.870 I won my first world title with my dad, at Sydney's Show, 12 00:00:34.870 --> 00:00:37.250 which is the Wimbledon of wood-chopping, which was an 13 00:00:37.250 --> 00:00:39.240 unbelievable thing but I finished up winning that 14 00:00:39.240 --> 00:00:42.160 world title 21 years straight. 15 00:00:42.160 --> 00:00:46.400 11 years with dad, and then 10 years with my brother Peter. 16 00:00:46.400 --> 00:00:48.220 So yeah, I'd classify myself as one of the 17 00:00:48.220 --> 00:00:50.173 luckiest guys in the world probably. 18 00:00:51.707 --> 00:00:56.480 - We've got the concept that came about with David, 19 00:00:56.480 --> 00:00:59.179 line:15% together when we were photographing him in the first 20 00:00:59.179 --> 00:01:03.670 line:15% shoot under the beautiful big tree, and he took us to 21 00:01:03.670 --> 00:01:07.210 a place where his family, 22 00:01:07.210 --> 00:01:10.950 they had won a few world championships. (laughs) 23 00:01:10.950 --> 00:01:13.797 And he's standing under the tree and when he said, 24 00:01:13.797 --> 00:01:17.670 "If the tree could talk, imagine what it would say to us." 25 00:01:17.670 --> 00:01:18.503 And I said, "Why?" 26 00:01:18.503 --> 00:01:21.167 And he said, "Because it's witnessed all of the years 27 00:01:21.167 --> 00:01:25.450 "of the family, and the legacy of championships." 28 00:01:25.450 --> 00:01:30.450 And I said, "Wow, what the tree saw." 29 00:01:30.800 --> 00:01:33.500 And that became the title, so he gave me a high-five 30 00:01:33.500 --> 00:01:35.100 and he said, "I'm an artist!" (laughs) 31 00:01:35.100 --> 00:01:37.660 And enjoyed that moment of coming up with a little bit 32 00:01:37.660 --> 00:01:39.410 of poetry, I suppose you'd call it. 33 00:01:41.550 --> 00:01:43.700 - We've got the underhand, where you cut between your legs. 34 00:01:43.700 --> 00:01:45.390 The standing block where we cut up and stand. 35 00:01:45.390 --> 00:01:48.140 The single double hander, cross cut, sorry, 36 00:01:48.140 --> 00:01:49.800 and then you have tree-fellings. 37 00:01:49.800 --> 00:01:52.600 They said that if you can win the underhand and the standing 38 00:01:52.600 --> 00:01:56.063 block world title in Sydney, you can call yourself the best. 39 00:01:56.950 --> 00:01:59.700 But if you can win the two of them in the one year, 40 00:01:59.700 --> 00:02:01.730 it's called the double, which is one of the 41 00:02:01.730 --> 00:02:03.680 hardest things in the world to do. 42 00:02:03.680 --> 00:02:05.060 There's only been seven people that's 43 00:02:05.060 --> 00:02:07.730 ever won it and I've done it six times. 44 00:02:07.730 --> 00:02:10.260 The only person in the world who's ever done it six times. 45 00:02:10.260 --> 00:02:12.490 And I just know just how much work 46 00:02:12.490 --> 00:02:14.680 and effort has gone into that. 47 00:02:14.680 --> 00:02:15.626 I might let me dog in. 48 00:02:15.626 --> 00:02:16.550 - [Camerawoman] (laughing) Go for it! 49 00:02:16.550 --> 00:02:18.110 - Cause she's a whinger. 50 00:02:18.110 --> 00:02:20.070 She'll stop whingin' as soon as she comes in. 51 00:02:20.070 --> 00:02:22.120 I'm sorry, okay, well sorry Miss Mufford. 52 00:02:23.350 --> 00:02:24.390 Sorry Jordan. 53 00:02:24.390 --> 00:02:26.063 This is your house, sorry Jordan. 54 00:02:27.490 --> 00:02:29.385 Sorry about that, we've cut to now me dog come in 55 00:02:29.385 --> 00:02:31.920 her name is Jordan, and she's never been 56 00:02:31.920 --> 00:02:33.813 outside in her life and she whinges. 57 00:02:34.860 --> 00:02:37.480 If you wanna come back as an animal 58 00:02:37.480 --> 00:02:40.457 come back as a Foster pet. (laughs) 59 00:02:43.930 --> 00:02:48.100 - The idea is to create a photograph 60 00:02:48.100 --> 00:02:51.410 that looks like a painting, is maybe a mix 61 00:02:51.410 --> 00:02:52.670 of a painting and a photograph. 62 00:02:52.670 --> 00:02:55.800 So, I like the idea of hand-colored photography. 63 00:02:55.800 --> 00:03:00.800 The inspiration has come from the works of John Dempsey. 64 00:03:00.880 --> 00:03:05.880 I see the frame really as a theatre and that person 65 00:03:06.490 --> 00:03:10.130 is there, posed, in a particular way. 66 00:03:10.130 --> 00:03:13.193 Often with a prop, or some sort of costume. 67 00:03:14.270 --> 00:03:17.680 And you see with Dempsey's portraits, up close, 68 00:03:17.680 --> 00:03:19.800 he uses lots of little brush strokes. 69 00:03:19.800 --> 00:03:22.140 So I would be doing this a little bit differently than 70 00:03:22.140 --> 00:03:25.620 hand-tinting, which is rubbing in. 71 00:03:25.620 --> 00:03:30.620 There's not really a lot of detail, as much as this. 72 00:03:30.700 --> 00:03:32.300 But I'm a sucker for punishment. 73 00:03:34.600 --> 00:03:38.440 I think it's nice because you are working with a photo 74 00:03:38.440 --> 00:03:42.700 at the base of the image, which is very perfect, 75 00:03:42.700 --> 00:03:47.023 so my job will probably be, whether I like it or not, 76 00:03:48.020 --> 00:03:49.953 to create less perfection, 77 00:03:50.940 --> 00:03:53.077 which is the hand, that's what I like. 78 00:03:57.597 --> 00:04:00.340 - (laughing) Well when you have a hundred axes, 79 00:04:00.340 --> 00:04:01.590 and they're all sitting in a cupboard, 80 00:04:01.590 --> 00:04:04.131 what we decided to do was actually name them. 81 00:04:04.131 --> 00:04:07.340 I bought two axes a while back, and I had all these 82 00:04:07.340 --> 00:04:09.550 names, Bill and Ben, and the next one was the 83 00:04:09.550 --> 00:04:12.054 Flowerpot Men, and then there's Brutus and there's 84 00:04:12.054 --> 00:04:15.697 Hotdog and there's, because I had a hotdog one day. 85 00:04:17.210 --> 00:04:19.470 So we do name all the axes, only because 86 00:04:19.470 --> 00:04:20.740 you know exactly that. 87 00:04:20.740 --> 00:04:22.440 Okay, I'm gonna grab Hotdog, because 88 00:04:22.440 --> 00:04:24.330 I know that that axe is gonna cut that. 89 00:04:24.330 --> 00:04:27.006 And there's one called Henry, my father-in-law was called 90 00:04:27.006 --> 00:04:30.989 Henry, and that axe I've won world titles with, so I'll 91 00:04:30.989 --> 00:04:33.539 grab that for a particular event. 92 00:04:33.539 --> 00:04:37.073 So, every axe has got a name. 93 00:04:39.060 --> 00:04:42.670 - I find it interesting myself where I have a 94 00:04:42.670 --> 00:04:47.670 miniature sort of portrait of a very well-rounded, 95 00:04:48.380 --> 00:04:53.380 robust sort of Australian athlete like David. 96 00:04:53.607 --> 00:04:56.033 He has a lovely presence. 97 00:04:57.080 --> 00:05:00.330 Here also the expression on his face is really beautiful. 98 00:05:00.330 --> 00:05:04.097 It's very strong, and it's also very gentle, and it's 99 00:05:04.097 --> 00:05:07.463 questioning like he's bringing something to it. 100 00:05:08.880 --> 00:05:13.880 This is a chance for an artist to interpret his story. 101 00:05:16.270 --> 00:05:21.270 And through this project too, because I've travelled to 102 00:05:21.300 --> 00:05:25.070 his place, where he lives, and spent time with him, 103 00:05:25.070 --> 00:05:27.600 so I get to know him and learn about him. 104 00:05:27.600 --> 00:05:30.408 And we've sort of, there's a 105 00:05:30.408 --> 00:05:34.140 collaborative nature of this, really. 106 00:05:34.140 --> 00:05:37.680 So I'm becoming familiar with my subject. 107 00:05:37.680 --> 00:05:41.110 And then the result is there for people to, they'll 108 00:05:41.110 --> 00:05:44.940 see the work but there's a story behind it as well. 109 00:05:44.940 --> 00:05:48.600 And I also think that I couldn't get David 110 00:05:48.600 --> 00:05:53.600 to give me this expression if I didn't spend time with him, 111 00:05:54.520 --> 00:05:58.006 and if we didn't get along, I think we get along. (laughs) 112 00:05:58.006 --> 00:05:59.373 It helps to get along. 113 00:06:03.350 --> 00:06:06.000 - Yeah, it's amazing when ya sit back and think about it. 114 00:06:06.000 --> 00:06:10.910 186 world championships, 175 Australian titles, 115 00:06:10.910 --> 00:06:13.480 the only person in sporting history who'd ever won 1,000 116 00:06:13.480 --> 00:06:16.480 championships and its about 1,800 and something now. 117 00:06:16.480 --> 00:06:19.470 My sport has taken me for over 40 years, 118 00:06:19.470 --> 00:06:22.860 and I'm an OAM, and one of me mates said to me 119 00:06:22.860 --> 00:06:26.320 that was the OAM stood for Over-sized Australian Male, 120 00:06:26.320 --> 00:06:28.596 so I've got one of those titles. 121 00:06:28.596 --> 00:06:30.880 Made Tasmanian of the year. 122 00:06:30.880 --> 00:06:33.310 I enjoy life, I wake up every morning with a smile on 123 00:06:33.310 --> 00:06:35.720 my face, and there's 24 hours in a day, 124 00:06:35.720 --> 00:06:37.490 you can only do what you can in that day. 125 00:06:37.490 --> 00:06:39.320 And hopefully that rubs off on people, 126 00:06:39.320 --> 00:06:41.890 I'm a bit of a clown, I love taking 127 00:06:41.890 --> 00:06:43.920 the mickey out of myself, everybody else. 128 00:06:43.920 --> 00:06:46.110 Wood chopping is not one of those high-profile 129 00:06:46.110 --> 00:06:49.279 bunny sports, but I taught people that I 130 00:06:49.279 --> 00:06:52.150 classify myself as a millionaire. 131 00:06:52.150 --> 00:06:56.320 I might not have it in money, but there's no way you can 132 00:06:56.320 --> 00:07:00.840 put a value on winning a world championship, winning a 133 00:07:00.840 --> 00:07:03.640 world championship with your dad, and the last world 134 00:07:03.640 --> 00:07:05.770 title that I won with my dad it was a five and 135 00:07:05.770 --> 00:07:09.730 a half months after his heart bypass, and he hugged me 136 00:07:09.730 --> 00:07:12.940 and he kissed me, and he told me that he loved me. 137 00:07:12.940 --> 00:07:14.886 Well, money can't buy that. 138 00:07:14.886 --> 00:07:19.346 How fortunate at the end of the day, mate. 139 00:07:19.346 --> 00:07:22.646 (camera person laughing) 140 00:07:22.646 --> 00:07:25.766 (TV chatter) 141 00:07:25.766 --> 00:07:28.349 (dog sneezes)