WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.490 (uplifting instrumental music) The interesting thing 2 00:00:02.490 --> 00:00:07.490 about art to me, and painting, 3 00:00:07.680 --> 00:00:09.390 is you use 4 00:00:09.390 --> 00:00:14.390 the same thinking with painting. 5 00:00:14.880 --> 00:00:17.970 You're mucking around with colour, 6 00:00:17.970 --> 00:00:21.475 form, texture, shape. 7 00:00:21.475 --> 00:00:24.300 (uplifting instrumental music) 8 00:00:24.300 --> 00:00:27.030 And with cooking, you're doing the same thing. 9 00:00:27.030 --> 00:00:31.517 You mucking around with form, texture, colour, and shape. 10 00:00:31.517 --> 00:00:35.434 (uplifting instrumental music) 11 00:00:36.870 --> 00:00:40.560 I started writing for television, 12 00:00:40.560 --> 00:00:42.780 when television started 13 00:00:42.780 --> 00:00:46.110 because I'm 87, 14 00:00:46.110 --> 00:00:49.620 and so I was here when television started, 15 00:00:49.620 --> 00:00:52.050 and I wrote stuff. 16 00:00:52.050 --> 00:00:56.550 And I noticed that the bloke in front of the camera 17 00:00:56.550 --> 00:01:01.170 got more money than the poor bugger that write the scripts. 18 00:01:01.170 --> 00:01:03.930 And so I decided 19 00:01:03.930 --> 00:01:07.683 to go from behind the camera to the front of the camera, 20 00:01:09.780 --> 00:01:14.220 and I then realised 21 00:01:14.220 --> 00:01:16.410 that there were too many policemen 22 00:01:16.410 --> 00:01:20.250 on television, and all sorts of other people 23 00:01:20.250 --> 00:01:22.350 that seemed to know what they were doing, 24 00:01:22.350 --> 00:01:23.973 but there were no cooks, 25 00:01:25.170 --> 00:01:29.951 and a cook is what I am. 26 00:01:29.951 --> 00:01:32.250 (uplifting instrumental music) 27 00:01:32.250 --> 00:01:35.040 I started cooking on television, 28 00:01:35.040 --> 00:01:39.150 and the ABC said, "No one will be interested." 29 00:01:39.150 --> 00:01:44.150 We did 900 shows before the ABC got bored, 30 00:01:44.820 --> 00:01:48.273 and they took it off, but the public weren't bored. 31 00:01:49.260 --> 00:01:51.600 I was always interested 32 00:01:51.600 --> 00:01:56.310 in not telling the viewer 33 00:01:56.310 --> 00:01:57.850 how to make toffee 34 00:01:58.950 --> 00:02:01.590 to cover a fish. 35 00:02:01.590 --> 00:02:04.350 What I wanted them to do is understand 36 00:02:04.350 --> 00:02:06.670 how to cook the bloody fish to start 37 00:02:07.650 --> 00:02:12.570 because cooking is only supplying heat to food. 38 00:02:12.570 --> 00:02:14.100 If you don't supply heat, 39 00:02:14.100 --> 00:02:17.280 it's not cooked, the same as painting. 40 00:02:17.280 --> 00:02:22.080 Painting is supplying paint to a surface, 41 00:02:22.080 --> 00:02:27.080 whether it's a canvas or a piece of cardboard. 42 00:02:27.626 --> 00:02:29.160 (uplifting instrumental music) 43 00:02:29.160 --> 00:02:34.160 For instance, I paint my own shoes. 44 00:02:35.310 --> 00:02:37.690 I buy the cheapest shoes I can get 45 00:02:38.760 --> 00:02:42.900 from whoever they are, 46 00:02:42.900 --> 00:02:44.103 a commercial mob. 47 00:02:45.720 --> 00:02:49.110 And then I come home and I paint them, 48 00:02:49.110 --> 00:02:50.970 and I just put colour on them, 49 00:02:50.970 --> 00:02:52.030 so people think 50 00:02:53.760 --> 00:02:56.700 that I've either gone out in my slippers, 51 00:02:56.700 --> 00:03:01.408 or else I've got expensive shoes. 52 00:03:01.408 --> 00:03:03.570 (uplifting instrumental music) 53 00:03:03.570 --> 00:03:07.680 The thing is, use whatever paints you like. 54 00:03:07.680 --> 00:03:10.230 Use whatever colour you like, 55 00:03:10.230 --> 00:03:14.790 and make sure that you are pleased with what you do. 56 00:03:14.790 --> 00:03:16.830 Don't worry about any... 57 00:03:16.830 --> 00:03:20.257 Imagine if we said to Picasso, 58 00:03:20.257 --> 00:03:23.797 "You've painted three eyes down the side of the face, 59 00:03:23.797 --> 00:03:26.341 "you silly bugger, that's wrong. 60 00:03:26.341 --> 00:03:28.027 (uplifting instrumental music) 61 00:03:28.027 --> 00:03:30.337 "You should only paint one eye, 62 00:03:30.337 --> 00:03:35.247 "or if you're painting the face full on two eyes." 63 00:03:36.330 --> 00:03:38.070 Do what you want to do. 64 00:03:38.070 --> 00:03:40.320 Do what you think is right, 65 00:03:40.320 --> 00:03:43.680 and then you'll create your own style 66 00:03:43.680 --> 00:03:45.840 and your own imagination. 67 00:03:45.840 --> 00:03:50.840 Because cooking is not following a recipe book. 68 00:03:51.870 --> 00:03:55.620 Cooking is your imagination, 69 00:03:55.620 --> 00:03:58.890 and painting is your imagination. 70 00:03:58.890 --> 00:04:02.174 So make sure you think about what you're doing. 71 00:04:02.174 --> 00:04:05.550 (uplifting instrumental music) 72 00:04:05.550 --> 00:04:10.260 So when you're designing your food or your painting, 73 00:04:10.260 --> 00:04:15.260 make sure that you understand absolutely what you're doing. 74 00:04:16.620 --> 00:04:20.880 Do it to suit you, and not some bloody book 75 00:04:20.880 --> 00:04:23.220 that tells you how to do it. 76 00:04:23.220 --> 00:04:24.218 There we go. 77 00:04:24.218 --> 00:04:28.135 (uplifting instrumental music) 78 00:04:29.220 --> 00:04:33.153 Jan and I have been married 65 years, I think, 79 00:04:34.830 --> 00:04:36.303 which is a bloody long while. 80 00:04:37.980 --> 00:04:40.440 Jan works as my assistant. 81 00:04:40.440 --> 00:04:43.593 And when we were filming to the ABC, 82 00:04:44.520 --> 00:04:48.270 Jan would be down one end of the bench 83 00:04:48.270 --> 00:04:51.270 cooking three of everything, 84 00:04:51.270 --> 00:04:53.430 in case I buggered it up, 85 00:04:53.430 --> 00:04:55.740 or dropped it on the floor, 86 00:04:55.740 --> 00:04:58.050 she'd have spares. 87 00:04:58.050 --> 00:05:01.944 So we've worked together all our lives. 88 00:05:01.944 --> 00:05:06.360 (uplifting instrumental music) 89 00:05:06.360 --> 00:05:11.010 Jan came out from England, she'd been the secretary 90 00:05:11.010 --> 00:05:14.250 to the first, Dag Hammarskjöld, 91 00:05:14.250 --> 00:05:19.250 the first Secretary of the United Nations, 92 00:05:19.410 --> 00:05:21.573 and she was in there, a hostess, 93 00:05:23.580 --> 00:05:26.820 and she's done all sorts of things, 94 00:05:26.820 --> 00:05:28.110 and then she met me, 95 00:05:28.110 --> 00:05:32.220 and she's had a pretty boring life ever since. 96 00:05:32.220 --> 00:05:36.900 Anyway, we met, got married, 97 00:05:36.900 --> 00:05:41.900 and I must admit, I couldn't want for a better assistant. 98 00:05:42.508 --> 00:05:46.425 (uplifting instrumental music) 99 00:05:50.310 --> 00:05:51.143 Well, do you, 100 00:05:51.143 --> 00:05:53.000 have I said everything? Yes, I think so. 101 00:05:54.616 --> 00:05:56.394 Bored the shit out of everyone 102 00:05:56.394 --> 00:05:57.876 for long enough, you reckon? 103 00:05:57.876 --> 00:06:01.113 (speaker's speech indistinct)