WEBVTT 1 00:00:03.778 --> 00:00:06.361 (gentle music) 2 00:00:14.497 --> 00:00:17.664 (gentle upbeat music) 3 00:00:20.460 --> 00:00:23.700 So the two portraits that I'm gonna talk about today 4 00:00:23.700 --> 00:00:26.550 are two of my favourites in the exhibition. 5 00:00:26.550 --> 00:00:28.170 I think they're fantastic, 6 00:00:28.170 --> 00:00:31.320 not only for their sort of visual similarities, 7 00:00:31.320 --> 00:00:36.320 but also the kind of narrative behind the two sitters works. 8 00:00:36.840 --> 00:00:39.650 So the first one is Hari Ho's 9 00:00:39.650 --> 00:00:43.770 2005 portrait of Dadang Christanto. 10 00:00:43.770 --> 00:00:46.590 And the second one is Dusan Marek's 11 00:00:46.590 --> 00:00:50.778 1965 "Scientific priest". 12 00:00:50.778 --> 00:00:53.560 Dadang Christanto, he is 13 00:00:54.496 --> 00:00:57.630 an Indonesian man of Chinese descent 14 00:00:57.630 --> 00:01:00.900 and he moved over here 15 00:01:00.900 --> 00:01:04.350 to Australia kind of later in life 16 00:01:04.350 --> 00:01:08.760 but he had to survive through the whole Indonesian genocide 17 00:01:08.760 --> 00:01:12.120 of the 19, of 1965 to '66. 18 00:01:12.120 --> 00:01:12.979 And it sort of plays on this sort of concept of 19 00:01:12.979 --> 00:01:17.979 the fact that during the Indonesian genocide, 20 00:01:23.070 --> 00:01:25.620 they'd often sort of chuck bodies 21 00:01:25.620 --> 00:01:27.870 into bodies of water 22 00:01:27.870 --> 00:01:29.760 and every now and then you'd walk past 23 00:01:29.760 --> 00:01:32.130 either the beach or a lake 24 00:01:32.130 --> 00:01:34.680 and you'd just see kind of body parts 25 00:01:34.680 --> 00:01:35.970 sticking up from places, 26 00:01:35.970 --> 00:01:38.850 which is really quite a horrific image 27 00:01:38.850 --> 00:01:41.400 but it's obviously one that's stayed with him 28 00:01:41.400 --> 00:01:45.690 because when Harry ho asked to take his portrait, 29 00:01:45.690 --> 00:01:47.910 he said, "where'd you wanna take it?" 30 00:01:47.910 --> 00:01:51.510 And Christanto immediately went, "the beach". 31 00:01:51.510 --> 00:01:52.588 So they went down to the beach and apparently 32 00:01:52.588 --> 00:01:55.871 the story of this particular portrait 33 00:01:55.871 --> 00:01:58.140 is that they were at the beach. 34 00:01:58.140 --> 00:02:00.090 They decided they were gonna dig a hole 35 00:02:00.090 --> 00:02:03.240 that was deep enough for Christanto to sit in. 36 00:02:03.240 --> 00:02:08.240 And so he is sitting there covered in sand and ha hope 37 00:02:09.046 --> 00:02:13.470 pours a bucket of water, sea water, on top of him. 38 00:02:13.470 --> 00:02:18.180 And when sand is made wet, it starts constricting. 39 00:02:18.180 --> 00:02:20.580 So the look on his face is one of, 40 00:02:20.580 --> 00:02:22.167 basically, "I can't breathe." 41 00:02:23.287 --> 00:02:26.190 "I'm absolutely terrified." 42 00:02:26.190 --> 00:02:31.190 And I think that sort of expression on his face is similar 43 00:02:31.650 --> 00:02:36.123 to that of the scientific priest in Marek's work. 44 00:02:37.800 --> 00:02:41.310 In that... so both sitters, well, 45 00:02:41.310 --> 00:02:43.920 I assume, the scientific priest is somewhat 46 00:02:43.920 --> 00:02:44.850 of a self portrait. 47 00:02:44.850 --> 00:02:45.683 Though it may not be. 48 00:02:45.683 --> 00:02:46.920 I like to think that it is. 49 00:02:48.090 --> 00:02:50.700 But both of them were migrants to Australia 50 00:02:50.700 --> 00:02:55.433 But Marek came over to Australia really early on 51 00:02:56.790 --> 00:03:01.260 'cause he had to escape Stalinist Slovakia in 1948. 52 00:03:02.970 --> 00:03:04.080 So he came over here. 53 00:03:04.080 --> 00:03:07.080 He was in a migrant camp, moved to Adelaide, moved to Tassie 54 00:03:07.080 --> 00:03:11.130 did all this stuff and got really into surrealism. 55 00:03:11.130 --> 00:03:15.780 And I really enjoy this work because, you know, 56 00:03:15.780 --> 00:03:18.690 it's called scientific priest and it looks like a globe 57 00:03:18.690 --> 00:03:20.553 but it looks like a, sort of, 58 00:03:22.830 --> 00:03:26.460 almost it lays to me like nuclear waste. 59 00:03:26.460 --> 00:03:28.890 And like in the context of the 1960s 60 00:03:28.890 --> 00:03:31.380 when it was painted, this holds a whole, sort of, like, 61 00:03:31.380 --> 00:03:34.590 cold war situation. 62 00:03:34.590 --> 00:03:39.480 I really enjoy that sort of questioning 63 00:03:39.480 --> 00:03:40.650 and the questioning gaze 64 00:03:40.650 --> 00:03:44.370 'cause one of his eyes is half filled with water, 65 00:03:44.370 --> 00:03:48.660 and the mouth is surrounded completely in yellow, 66 00:03:48.660 --> 00:03:51.330 and there's a little red spot way up above his ear. 67 00:03:51.330 --> 00:03:54.000 And I just find that the more you look 68 00:03:54.000 --> 00:03:56.640 the more you can sort of imbue meaning 69 00:03:56.640 --> 00:03:59.313 into the different, the different colours. 70 00:04:02.520 --> 00:04:05.520 And I do kind of enjoy 71 00:04:05.520 --> 00:04:10.520 that they both have elements of the natural world as well. 72 00:04:10.980 --> 00:04:13.330 So the scientific priest, it looks like a globe 73 00:04:14.340 --> 00:04:19.340 but it's not, not the globe as we know it, I suppose. 74 00:04:19.710 --> 00:04:20.543 Yeah. It's kind of got 75 00:04:20.543 --> 00:04:23.340 that level of, like, there's no there's no blue, 76 00:04:23.340 --> 00:04:27.120 but there are really really deep colours 77 00:04:27.120 --> 00:04:28.563 that could be ocean. 78 00:04:29.760 --> 00:04:32.610 And I feel like it also, you know 79 00:04:32.610 --> 00:04:36.180 it has you questioning just the name, "Scientific Priest", 80 00:04:36.180 --> 00:04:38.673 has you questioning that sort of line between, 81 00:04:39.960 --> 00:04:42.480 you know, contemporary science and God. 82 00:04:42.480 --> 00:04:47.480 And the role that people play in that sort of dichotomy. 83 00:04:52.080 --> 00:04:53.460 And I just, I think looking 84 00:04:53.460 --> 00:04:56.267 at them next to each other, I don't know 85 00:04:56.267 --> 00:05:00.240 they make me feel like they're telling me something more 86 00:05:00.240 --> 00:05:03.090 than just being two portraits. 87 00:05:03.090 --> 00:05:05.370 And I find that really powerful. 88 00:05:05.370 --> 00:05:06.560 That's incredible.