WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.529 --> 00:00:03.612 (subtle piano music) 2 00:00:14.177 --> 00:00:16.760 (upbeat music) 3 00:00:20.310 --> 00:00:24.150 So the two portraits that I've chosen to 4 00:00:24.150 --> 00:00:27.000 compare and contrast and to bring together 5 00:00:27.000 --> 00:00:29.460 a self portrait from the National Gallery 6 00:00:29.460 --> 00:00:33.840 of Victoria's collection by John Brack in 1955. 7 00:00:33.840 --> 00:00:36.360 And from our collection, a recent edition, 8 00:00:36.360 --> 00:00:40.680 I've got William Yang, self portrait number two. 9 00:00:40.680 --> 00:00:43.530 William Yang, I'll talk about him first. 10 00:00:43.530 --> 00:00:46.388 So he is done it in a sequential 11 00:00:46.388 --> 00:00:48.060 but also not sequential manner. 12 00:00:48.060 --> 00:00:51.210 So we've got self-portrait number two here. 13 00:00:51.210 --> 00:00:54.720 It's always about checking in with him and his identity, 14 00:00:54.720 --> 00:00:57.840 which as we know was a big part of him as a photographer. 15 00:00:57.840 --> 00:00:59.970 He was a really big name 16 00:00:59.970 --> 00:01:02.342 in the seventies and eighties in Sydney. 17 00:01:02.342 --> 00:01:04.890 He was a gay man and he was really 18 00:01:04.890 --> 00:01:09.000 into the subcultures specifically of the, 19 00:01:09.000 --> 00:01:11.430 the Mardi Gra which was beginning at the time 20 00:01:11.430 --> 00:01:12.960 and those inner circles. 21 00:01:12.960 --> 00:01:14.730 He photographed his friends and families 22 00:01:14.730 --> 00:01:17.420 and always had his finger on the pulse. 23 00:01:17.420 --> 00:01:19.020 Once it hit the eighties, 24 00:01:19.020 --> 00:01:21.720 he sort of turned and started considering 25 00:01:21.720 --> 00:01:23.190 himself a lot more 26 00:01:23.190 --> 00:01:25.020 and his role along the way in terms 27 00:01:25.020 --> 00:01:28.590 of his own sexual identity and his cultural heritage. 28 00:01:28.590 --> 00:01:30.363 So here in this portrait, we can see he's talking 29 00:01:30.363 --> 00:01:34.020 about him learning that he was Chinese. 30 00:01:34.020 --> 00:01:37.050 That as a little boy, he hadn't really thought about it. 31 00:01:37.050 --> 00:01:39.690 And somebody said something quite horrible to him 32 00:01:39.690 --> 00:01:42.540 when he was at school, just written onto the portrait 33 00:01:42.540 --> 00:01:44.317 and he went home and asked his mom, 34 00:01:44.317 --> 00:01:47.419 "Mom, I'm not Chinese am I?" (laughs) 35 00:01:47.419 --> 00:01:48.487 And his mom had to go, 36 00:01:48.487 --> 00:01:49.500 "Yes you are." 37 00:01:49.500 --> 00:01:51.667 And his brother chimes in as you can read through, 38 00:01:51.667 --> 00:01:53.520 "And you better get used to it." 39 00:01:53.520 --> 00:01:55.380 Oh. And so him coming to terms 40 00:01:55.380 --> 00:01:57.420 with his Chinese heritage was this, 41 00:01:57.420 --> 00:01:58.770 quite a large thing for him. 42 00:01:58.770 --> 00:02:00.660 And we see himself portrait, 43 00:02:00.660 --> 00:02:02.910 we see another self-portrait later on 44 00:02:02.910 --> 00:02:06.270 where he's coming out as a Chinese man, 45 00:02:06.270 --> 00:02:07.260 which I think is funny 46 00:02:07.260 --> 00:02:10.440 because he said that he never came out as a gay man. 47 00:02:10.440 --> 00:02:11.310 It just came out. 48 00:02:11.310 --> 00:02:12.900 He was swept up 49 00:02:12.900 --> 00:02:14.400 in the events of the time. Yeah. 50 00:02:14.400 --> 00:02:17.280 So to come out as a Chinese person, but not as a gay man. 51 00:02:17.280 --> 00:02:19.230 And it feels sort of blasphemous for me 52 00:02:19.230 --> 00:02:20.430 to talk about William Yang, 53 00:02:20.430 --> 00:02:24.300 because he speaks so beautifully about himself 54 00:02:24.300 --> 00:02:25.470 and all throughout his career 55 00:02:25.470 --> 00:02:29.040 he has engaged in performances when he speaks 56 00:02:29.040 --> 00:02:32.190 almost to a slide show of his works, behind him 57 00:02:32.190 --> 00:02:34.110 and he's done a few here at the portrait galleries 58 00:02:34.110 --> 00:02:36.060 where I do recommend, anybody hasn't seen them, 59 00:02:36.060 --> 00:02:37.290 you should. Yes. 60 00:02:37.290 --> 00:02:39.238 Definitely have a look to hear himself 61 00:02:39.238 --> 00:02:41.580 talk about his life is just fascinating, 62 00:02:41.580 --> 00:02:44.100 is just beautiful, I suppose. 63 00:02:44.100 --> 00:02:47.812 And so comparing it back to the John Brack work, 64 00:02:47.812 --> 00:02:49.890 this is another portrait of an artist 65 00:02:49.890 --> 00:02:51.150 checking in with themselves, 66 00:02:51.150 --> 00:02:53.040 but at a young age. 67 00:02:53.040 --> 00:02:57.401 So this is in 1955 when John Brack was really picking up 68 00:02:57.401 --> 00:03:00.630 and getting more and more commissions and exhibitions 69 00:03:00.630 --> 00:03:04.230 in the art scene, it was a busy time for Melbourne 70 00:03:04.230 --> 00:03:08.675 in 1955 with the 1956 Olympics about to happen. 71 00:03:08.675 --> 00:03:12.300 And there were lots of changes in the city. 72 00:03:12.300 --> 00:03:15.300 These big changes weren't necessarily replicated 73 00:03:15.300 --> 00:03:17.400 in what John Brack was painting at the time, 74 00:03:17.400 --> 00:03:18.480 but he's been so well known 75 00:03:18.480 --> 00:03:22.770 for his depictions of an Austria drab Melbourne. 76 00:03:22.770 --> 00:03:23.820 Yeah. (laughs) 77 00:03:23.820 --> 00:03:25.290 People look at his works and think, 78 00:03:25.290 --> 00:03:28.530 is it sentimental, satire 79 00:03:28.530 --> 00:03:31.350 or sympathetic to Melbourne? 80 00:03:31.350 --> 00:03:34.740 And no one can really agree on what comes forward. 81 00:03:34.740 --> 00:03:35.981 Looking at this portrait here, 82 00:03:35.981 --> 00:03:38.280 is it favourable to him? 83 00:03:38.280 --> 00:03:40.565 Does he present himself in a good light 84 00:03:40.565 --> 00:03:42.750 or in a very critical light? 85 00:03:42.750 --> 00:03:46.230 I think he is analysing himself in a little way. 86 00:03:46.230 --> 00:03:47.430 If you look at his eyes, 87 00:03:47.430 --> 00:03:49.530 it's certainly not very flattering, 88 00:03:49.530 --> 00:03:52.080 but the slight turn of his mouth, 89 00:03:52.080 --> 00:03:54.394 I think really makes for, 90 00:03:54.394 --> 00:03:57.300 an altogether optimistic portrait perhaps, 91 00:03:57.300 --> 00:03:59.910 his shaving himself to get ready for a long career 92 00:03:59.910 --> 00:04:02.010 of being a successful artist. 93 00:04:02.010 --> 00:04:03.420 Yeah. 94 00:04:03.420 --> 00:04:06.820 But this painting of a self portrait of John Brack, 95 00:04:06.820 --> 00:04:08.850 he did about, in the end, 96 00:04:08.850 --> 00:04:12.720 about 10% of his final output was portraits. 97 00:04:12.720 --> 00:04:15.360 We had an exhibition at the portrait gallery in 2007, 98 00:04:15.360 --> 00:04:16.590 portraits by John Brack, 99 00:04:16.590 --> 00:04:18.327 it was actually our last exhibition 100 00:04:18.327 --> 00:04:19.860 in the old parliament house 101 00:04:19.860 --> 00:04:22.980 before we moved to our new building. 102 00:04:22.980 --> 00:04:25.200 But many people who have been the recipient 103 00:04:25.200 --> 00:04:26.850 of a John Brack portrait, 104 00:04:26.850 --> 00:04:28.540 haven't always felt so 105 00:04:29.700 --> 00:04:32.190 blessed by the commission (laughs) 106 00:04:32.190 --> 00:04:35.190 famously galerist and purvist 107 00:04:35.190 --> 00:04:38.266 from, of the Australian galleries fame. 108 00:04:38.266 --> 00:04:39.840 There was a portrait of her commission 109 00:04:39.840 --> 00:04:41.880 by her husband, Tam. 110 00:04:41.880 --> 00:04:43.830 We've got a portrait of him in our collection as well. 111 00:04:43.830 --> 00:04:45.870 They were made around the same time. 112 00:04:45.870 --> 00:04:48.930 But apparently upon receiving the portrait from Brack, 113 00:04:48.930 --> 00:04:50.174 she burst into tears. 114 00:04:50.174 --> 00:04:51.270 Oh no. 115 00:04:51.270 --> 00:04:53.700 And then when it was ever on display in their family home 116 00:04:53.700 --> 00:04:56.190 it was always a source of great tension and anxiety 117 00:04:56.190 --> 00:04:58.530 for her and Stewart Purvis, 118 00:04:58.530 --> 00:05:00.210 who's now the director of Australian galleries 119 00:05:00.210 --> 00:05:01.336 tells the story of coming home one day 120 00:05:01.336 --> 00:05:02.910 when he was quite young, 121 00:05:02.910 --> 00:05:06.674 finding a 44 gallon drum on fire and her mother, 122 00:05:06.674 --> 00:05:10.774 and so, his mother picking up the portrait and burning it. 123 00:05:10.774 --> 00:05:12.750 (laughs) So that portrait is now 124 00:05:12.750 --> 00:05:13.932 unfortunately destroyed. 125 00:05:13.932 --> 00:05:15.330 Oh no. Yes. 126 00:05:15.330 --> 00:05:17.250 And that went on to, in some ways 127 00:05:17.250 --> 00:05:19.170 bite the Australian galleries in the bum a little bit 128 00:05:19.170 --> 00:05:22.980 because later on when George Mora, William, sorry 129 00:05:22.980 --> 00:05:25.350 John Brack's galerist passed away 130 00:05:25.350 --> 00:05:27.180 and he was looking for a new representation. 131 00:05:27.180 --> 00:05:28.920 He did not go to Australian galleries 132 00:05:28.920 --> 00:05:31.200 because he didn't wanna be represented by 133 00:05:31.200 --> 00:05:32.384 a couple who burned his portrait. 134 00:05:32.384 --> 00:05:36.257 That's fair enough. It is fair enough, indeed. 135 00:05:37.416 --> 00:05:39.999 (outro music)