Bonita Mabo AO (c. 1943–2018), South Sea Islander reconciliation activist, was the widow of Torres Strait Islander land claimant Eddie Mabo.
1 portrait in the collection
Purchased 2011
Koiki (Eddie) Mabo (1937-1992) was born and lived in the Torres Strait until 1959 when he moved to the mainland.
1 portrait in the collection
Purchased with funds provided by L Gordon Darling AC CMG 1999
The Hon. Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG (b. 1939) was a Justice of the High Court of Australia from 1996 to 2009.
16 portraits in the collection
Henry Reynolds (b. 1938), historian, studied at the University of Tasmania before taking up a lectureship at Townsville University College (later James Cook University) in 1965.
1 portrait in the collection
Ron Castan AM QC (1939–1999), barrister, played a leading role in some of the most significant Australian litigation involving the rights of Indigenous people.
2 portraits in the collection
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased 2012
Purchased 2022
Colin Friels (b. 1952) arrived in Australia as an adolescent with his Scottish parents, both blue-collar workers.
1 portrait in the collection
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Purchased with funds provided by Marilyn Darling AC 2001
Purchased 2015
Commissioned with funds donated by BHP Billiton Limited, Rio Tinto Aboriginal Fund, Newmont Australia Limited, Reconciliation Australia, Hon Paul Keating and Hon Fred Chaney 2006
Collection: National Portrait Gallery
Gift of the Estate of Stuart Campbell 2012
Deborah Mailman AM (b. 1972), Bidjara and Māori (Ngāti Porou and Te Arawa) actor and singer, is the daughter of Maori and Aboriginal parents who met when her father was touring on the rodeo circuit.
1 portrait in the collection
Professor Marcia Langton AO (b. 1951), anthropologist, geographer and academic, is a descendant of the Yiman and Bidjara nations of Queensland.
3 portraits in the collection